Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for using numbers in your name
  2. Banned 4 not giving them any advice on their name
  3. Banned because I talk to you outside this thread lol
  4. Banned because...
  5. Banned becuase that was so trash.
  6. Banned because I'm offended as an LA trash collector.
  7. Banned for collecting trash, :roll:.
  8. Banned for being in disguise
  9. Banned 4 not coming up with sumthing original
  10. Banned for hippcrocitcy 
  11. Banned 4 posting emojis... I cant see them
  12. Banned for saying 4 instead of "for"
  13. Banned for not being Johnny
  14. Banned for being rated xxx
  15. I could be typical and say banned for posting bad advice, but I am better than that. Banned for making this not completely count as post farming.
  16. Banned because you are not a veteran (tried to avoid the to obvious)
  17. Banned 4 not trying harder :lol:
  18. Banned because that's what she said ! XD
  19. Banned because that's not what she said. She said she liked apple pie.
  20. Banned because your name made me think of lemonparty! 