Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned 4 not posting a gif about that

  2. My bad, how's this for not posting a gif?

    Because stuff
  3. Banned for posting a gif in black & white not color ;)
  4. Banned for not using bb codes!
  5. Banned for using bb codes
  6. Banned for repeating name
  7. Banned 4 not giving me a bad advice
  8. Banned for being generally stupid
  9. Banned because you were so mean
  10. banned because you cant take a joke
  11. Banned for using a number
  12. Banned for giving bad advice.
  13. Banned for a weird name
  14. Banned for not having a weird name.
  15. Banned for having 396 posts and none of them any good ^ ;)
  16. Banned for saying I only have 396 posts.
  17. Banned for having 5 posts
  18. Banned for posting this thread
  19. Banned for saying I only have 5 posts when my old account had over 2000 #banter