Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for having an hte family clan and then banning others for being in an hte clan... Pot calls the kettle what?

    Banned for being jelly...
  2. banned for taking this so seriously :lol:
  3. Banned for thinking I was serious xD

    *Ban myself for being so serious* :/
  4. Banned for making me think you were serious and therefore making me look stupid :(
  5. Banned for kissing donuts
  6. Banned for not kissing enough donuts
  7. Banned for killing God
  8. Banned for not having over 5k posts :)
  9. Banned for peeing at the bushes
  10. Banned for not being in the SS
  11. Banned due to the inability to fly.
  12. banned for having your name written backwards
  13. Banned for poor critique.
  14. Banner for playing this ****
  15. Banned for pretending to be a detective
  16. Banned for declining!
  17. Banned cuz I havent seen u in a while now
  18. Banned because you were lost at 4:20
  19. Banned for calling yourself a king but being smaller than me ;p