Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for being mad
  2. Banned for eating a horse
  3. Banned for not following the rulz and finishing what you started
  4. Banned for post count spam
  5. Banned for having 4625 posts, which somehow means you're illuminati
  6. Band for being a male robot
  7. Banned for fearing daytime
  8. Who said I feared day time? Band for lying. Lol.
  9. Banned for laughing out loud in a library
  10. Banned for typos and hating the band.
  11. Band for thinking forums r librarys
  12. Banned for misspelling "are" and "libraries", not to mention "banned"
  13. Banned for....Erm.....being stronger than me
  14. Banned for using more than 3 periods in an ellipses
  15. Both banned for banning each other excessively.
  16. Banned for not hiring me. Lol
  17. Banned for excessive growth due to being in a B2B HtE clan
  18. Banned for having four x's in Ur name
  19. Banned for not even looking at Gents 4 year badge, wall, and stats, but banned for generally not having a clue.