Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for banning someone for improper use of "we"!
  2. Banned for hating on grammar Nazis
  3. Banned for newly joining in the game! Welcome to the thread of bans! :D
  4. Banned for going to HTE Island instead of HOTS
  5. Banned 4 not going with him
  6. Banned for having the word The in your name.
  7. Banned for falsely advertising a muffin endorsed and copyrighted by Apple.

    *drops mic*
  8. Banned 4 being a stalker
  9. Banned for falsely accusing me as a stalker. Stay off the 420 bro 
  10. Banned 4 posting 1 minute b4 my last post
  11. Banned for failing urinalysis.
  12. Banned 4 failing urs the last few times
  13. Banned for failing to spell out the word "four"
  14. Banned for a pitiful attempt at being a grammar Nàzi
  15. Actually banned for bypassing
  16. Banned 4 not posting on this thread in a while...
  17. Banned for using the number four in the wrong context.
  18. Banned 4 saying the same thing that others have already said b4
  19. Banned for get lost on 420
  20. Banned 4 false information