Ban the Person Above You!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MM-Protean_Froakie-MM, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Banned for being a dirty anime lover.
  2. Banned for having a name that's hard to pronounce
  3. Banned for having super in your name
  4. Banned for underscores.
  5. Isn't this a post count farm thread? And if so how can it still be open?
  6. Banned for not being fun at parties.
  7. Banned for not having finite storms.

    Cheating and banning the moron below me. Because ignorance is contagious and he's a disease.
  8. Banned for being an not intelligenter than i be sometimes

    Brought to you by Fox News
  9. Banned for being a telemarketer.
  10. Banned for believing your a king.

  11. Banned for eating my puppy
  12. Banned for for banning someone for eating a puppy
  13. banned for not caring about his puppy
  14. Banned for quoting every ******* post for fucks sake.
  15. Banned for not quoting everything.
  16. /Lock same (better) thread is already a thing
  17. Banned for requesting lock, and for being a newb
  18. Banned for destroying stuffs :shock:
  19. Banned for being a cat.

    And that puppy needed more salt.
  20. Banned for not being a true king.