Ban the Person Above You!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MM-Protean_Froakie-MM, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Banned for assuming him to be spragga.
  2. Banned 4 saying that name
  3. banned for not believing in Spragga
  4. Banned for being in this thread 24/7
  5. banned for not being here 24/7
  6. Banned for spelling silver with an X
  7. banned because it's two totally different words
  8. Banned for banning the guy who banned you.
  9. Banned for dressing like a banana
  10. banned for smelling like crap
  11. Banned for smelling a pile of crap
  12. Banned for banning for unreasonable actions. Poop smells great.
  13. banned for knowing how crap smells
  14. Banned for not knowing how crap smells.
  15. Banned for not being pro
  16. Banned for sleeping too much
  17. Banned for not sleeping enough
  18. Banned for having sharp teeth this game is also for youngsters can't have pointy edges lying around
  19. Banned for making grapes sour
  20. Banned for using a qoute