Baltimore is Burning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. That's because all white people are labeled racist unless they are a democrat. That's politics messing with you. Not too mention they carry the burden of slavery. Something 99.99% had nothing to do with. Do you know European history? White people were slavs to the monarchy. That's why there was so much support for ending slavery. Not too mention the efforts of the British.

    Luckily African Americans ended up in the states. If you headed to the east...oh boy. I'll let you explore that on your own. That's a personal journey everyone should take.
  2. After a quick discussion with someone beyond smarter than I am, I would like to take back my assumption that nobody cares about race. Guess some people really are as ignorant as I didn't want to believe.
  3. How uneducated are you? If not uneducated, then how ignorant to this subject are you? The european nations were the first to get rid of slavery, because they saw the inhumane nature. Now the usa was not the worst place for slaves, sugar plantations in southern and central America were, but the usa held on to it for the longest, as well as anti-black sentiments for the longest time. The u.s. didn't start it, but maintained it the longest. During the harlem renaissance, african American scholars and speakers made their way to Europe to rally support.
  4. How uneducated are you? Did you not learn how to read or is English your second language? I hadn't mentioned who had done what first. Not be rude, but you are sir.

    If there wasn't support for ending slavery in the states, it wouldn't have ended. The British are credited with ending the slave trade. So...thanks for the extra information.

    Now tell me how Europeans weren't enslaved by monarchies.
  5. Did he even read your post? :shock:
  6. I would like to know what you know about the Africans sold into bondage and slavery to the east of Africa.

    Text book didn't teach that lesson?
  7. Please take a second to review his post, unfortunately you completely misread almost every word he said...
  8. Humanity will never escape its past.
  9. If you took grade 10 history, you would have learned that there were slaves in France for almost 1000 years (all through Feudalism and Monarchy. It was ended in 17 something when the equal acts was signed. They were among the first to abolish it. Slavery has been used since the beginning of mankind, in Mesopotamia. Now I'm not supporting Slavery, but it is a very productive way to advance economy. Its only until the last 500 years that Slavery has been realized as inhumane. The United states definitly didn't invent it. They simply used the same Empiricist strategy that has been used successfully for 7 millennia. Hydra was very right.

    Educate yourself ;)
  10. Slavery has been around for a very long time, however Europeans made it inhumane. Civilisations that have fought each other have always taken prisoners of war, and worked them as slaves. However, they would release them after I think 7 years. The people, even the slaves, were fine with this since it was their culture. This lasted until Europe discovered Africa.

    When Europeans came to Africa, at first they treated the slaves that the more powerful tribes had sold with the same respect, and even the slaves were fine with it, since it was a part of their culture. However, they then decided, since the tribes weren't as technologically advanced as Europe, that nobody could fight them to have the people released, creating the life-long slavery.

    However, if you really want to think about it, slavery in Europe was happening long before Africa was known. What were they called? Serfs, but I'll get into this lesson another time.
  11. What I read was saying blacks were lucky to be enslaved in the states. That in its own is not true. After the sugar plants, america was one of the worst places to be a slave. Maybe im not perceiving your post as others are.

    Edit: Also I wasnt speaking on the origins, merely the degree of abuse of slaves at the time of america using it.

    Obviously there was a misunderstanding, sorry for the way I came off but I dont see what you're trying to say
  12. We wouldn't have so many people on welfare if we enacted sane economic polices.

    People like you always amuse me. You think the solution is as simple as taking "personal responsibility" and going out and getting a job. What jobs? Do you have any idea of just how bad the recession really was? Here's a tip. We lost more jobs in the last recession than in the previous four recessions combined.

    Jan. 1980 to July 1980: 968,000 jobs lost
    July 1981 to Nov. 1982: 2,824,000 jobs lost
    July 1990 to March 1991: 1,249,000 jobs lost
    March 2001 to Nov. 2001: 1,599,000 jobs lost
    Total jobs lost in the four prior recessions: 6,640,000

    Great Recession - Dec. 2007 to June 2009: 7,490,000 jobs lost

    Here are the numbers for jobs lost as a percentage of the labor force:

    Jan. 1980 to July 1980: 1.0 percent
    July 1981 to Nov. 1982: 3.1 percent
    July 1990 to March 1991: 1.1 percent
    March 2001 to Nov. 2001: 1.2 percent

    Great Recession - Dec. 2007 to June 2009: Recession decreased jobs by 5.4 percent

    We've added about 10.9 million jobs over the past 57 months, so we've regained all the jobs lost plus more, but we're stll far behind where we should be had we not lost all those jobs in the first place. The competition in the job market is still tough. We've got plenty of people with college degrees working minimum wage jobs. So where exactly are people on welfare supposed to get jobs?

    There's also the fact that we've been replacing good paying jobs with lessor paying jobs for decades. The jobs added since the recession pay on average 23% less. It's not a new trend. For most workers, real wages have been flat or even declining for decades. So when you do find work you're barely keeping up, let alone getting ahead. Why do you think so many Americans have very little savings and large amounts of debt?

    When you add in the undeniable fact that the war on drugs has targeted African Americans for decades resulting in a disproportionate number of them having drug convictions, it's damn near impossible for many of them to get jobs. But hey, let's just keep ignoring the problems with the system and keep blaming people for being lazy.

    It's worked out so well for everyone over the last few decades, hasn't it?
  13. Six arrest warrants have been placed for the officers. one is getting charged for second-degree murder and the others are getting charged for manslaughter
  14. If any race has a reason to riot over past injustices to them it would be Native Americans.
  15. Slap yourself
  16. "Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby gave an update on the investigation into the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old who died after suffering a spinal cord injury while in police custody in April, calling his death a homicide.

    "We have probable cause to file criminal charges," Mosby said in a press conference Friday.

    Charges including second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault, among others, will be filed against the officers involved in Gray's arrest, Mosby said.

    Mosby noted that "no crime had been committed by Mr. Gray." Police had said Gray was arrested for possessing a switchblade, but Mosby said Friday the knife in Gray's possession was not a switchblade and was lawful, and said officers "illegally arrested" Gray.

    Mosby went into detail about Gray's arrest, noting he was not secured by a seatbelt while traveling in a police van after his arrest. Investigators found Gray suffered an injury in the van that ultimately led to his death. Mosby also noted Gray told police he couldn't breathe "at least twice" as he was taken into custody and requested a medic, which officers did not provide.

    Mosby also noted officers were "willfully negligent" when they stopped the police van Gray was riding in to pick up another suspect despite Gray's pleas for medical help. Mosby said Gray was "no longer breathing" when removed from the police van." ... 88946.html
  17. burn fat amerika, burn 
  18. Agreed
  19. Update: The 6 policemen are facing criminal charges, all facing a minimum of 20 years for homicide/criminal negligence
  20. Now that the media has moved on from Baltimore. Looking back on this thread here. And all the non sense put on it. As riots burned the largest city in the countries wealthiest state.

    A city that spends around $17,329 a year per pupil on education. That's ranked 4th in the country.

    A city that has received enormous amounts of money combating the "war on poverty". With no success.

    A city known for its drug crews and violence. In the last decade has seen the emergence of organized national level streets gangs.

    The same gangs that directed looters from black businesses, while the Asian, Mexican, Whites, etc etc were burned out of their lively hoods.

    Now that the media is gone. Now that the thoughts have strayed to other issues. Now.

    There has been over 50 shootings in the last two weeks. As the street gangs that united against the police. Are now back to killing one another over gang territory. Back to selling heroin. Back to robbing each other. Back to trying running anyone who isn't black out of town.

    Back to a city where the minorities of the city live in fear. A fear no one will report on. Back where being white makes you a target. A mark.

    Welcome back Baltimore.