Baltimore is Burning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Apr 29, 2015.

  1.  amerika 
  2. Not it's not false. Look it up. I didn't say Baltimore. I said Maryland.
    Learn to read before you under post me with bull.

    Maryland is the richest state in America by per capita.
  3. I've been on those streets. I know the people. I know the problems. I know the racism against other races by Baltimore residence.

    I know the organized effort to deal drugs. I know the effort to target the suburbs with drugs. Which is why I'm very anti narco-terrorism. I know how crooked that city is.

    It's the same no matter where you go. You can't be drug dealers and crooks and expect sympathy.

  4. I hope they really do pop off. Just a couple rounds.
  5. I wonder how some of you would feel walking through west Baltimore and getting jumped on my 5-6 people because of your color.

    Every street should be safe to walk down. There is no excuse for it not to be that way. If you want to support a decayed community, who's favorite activity is shooting each other and selling dope for people who hate you. Be my quest.

    When you get rolled you can say it's because they are poor. Or because of the police. Just don't put any expectations or blame on a violent community. Heaven forbid. Those guys wouldn't like you. If they have money or not.
  6. Ray Lewis. " there is no more handouts "

    This is our house!! He didn't say that. But the underarmour spots they keep giving. Lol.

  7. What are you on, if California left America it would still be the third largest economy in the world.
  8. This just hit the internet today:

    "Inmate thrown on ground, attacked by dog, stomped on by Iberia Parish deputy in shocking surveillance footage

    It was Dec. 6, 2012, and Marcus Robicheaux, like the other inmates at the Iberia Parish Jail, was standing with his hands on his head and his nose pressed against the wall of the recreation yard as correctional officers ran a contraband sweep.

    Suddenly, one deputy pulled Robicheaux from the wall and threw him to the ground. The deputy’s dog then attacked Robicheaux, biting his legs, arms and torso, and the deputy joined in, stomping and kicking the prone inmate. The whole three-minute incident was captured on video from the jail’s surveillance cameras.

    “I couldn’t do nothing but scream,” recalled Robicheaux, who says he doesn’t know why he was singled out. “The inmates couldn’t do nothing to help me.”

    The deputy in the video, David Prejean, filed a report on the incident shortly after it happened, but his written account clashes with what the video depicts.

    Iberia Parish Sheriff Louis Ackal said Prejean was fired in January after officials finally viewed the footage, more than two years after the incident occurred. A federal grand jury has subpoenaed the tape as part of an investigation into abuse of inmates at the jail, Ackal said." ... -footage-3

    The video is on YouTube. The incident happened two years ago. The inmate filed a lawsuit in 2013, but it went nowhere. Apparently though, the Sheriff’s Office has had the video for two years, but never bothered to watch it until this January. Go figure.

    In 2013 the incarceration rate of the United States was the highest in the world. We have about 5% of the world's population but around 24% of the world's prisoners. About 13% of the American population is African-American, but they made up 40% of the inmates in jail or prison in 2009. Around 50% of all prisoners are there for drug crimes. We spend about spend about $74 billion a year on prisons.

    Clearly, we have a problem.
  9. If you want to live join the military or they will kill you and you family.
  10. This guy is tellig the truth. When i went there in summer of 2013 ambulance sirens were constantly going off. And everytime itd be someone getting shot. It was insane at how many got shot in my 4 day visit.
  11. OK 1st thing is this the mayor handle this wrong from the start 1st she's will not allow the cops to explain what happened the reason grey was hurt was he seen the cops coming after some 1 called and reported him doing breaking into a house so he jumped out a 2nd story windows on to the sidewalk hence the injuries to him 2nd the mayor went on TV and gave permission to do the rioting that's has happened that's why the governor is now handling everything I'm from Baltimore have friends in the police department that's involved in this that's my piece
  12. Im not sure what your point is. I brought up a problem. And what i was talking about, baltimore didnt attempt to do anything about it.

    The big issue with it was how it was being kept quiet.

    Fyi, i was a resident of Baltimore.
  13. The rioters are Obama's friends as they are doing him a favor by giving the "president" the right excuse he needs to call Marshall law!! We are all being miss lead by this event.
  14. Yeah bro, all just a conspiracy!! You nailed it! Here, have some more acid
  15. Just a thought.
  16. The world needs more people like us.
  17. FYI my point is you give a problem, but no solution. It's no secret Baltimore has a narcotics problem. A gang problem. A corruption problem. A policing problem.

    You say 30 people run in and steal from shops. What's your point? That people steal?

    So I tell you that they have thrown people like that in the bay at fells point. Ever seen it happen?
  18. What's the first thing people do in Baltimore when the get the chance? Move. That's why there is a lot of former Baltimore residents.

    The gangs and narcotics are too bad. It's unsafe, and not a pleasant atmosphere to raise kids.

    Are the symptoms from poverty, is poverty the symptoms of those actions? It's a little hard to live around people who try to get ahead by any means. As long as it doesn't include working.

    When your city is terrorized by gangs and drugs it is hard to get residents to invest. It's hard to attract investors. Most just want out.

    Imagine being a young black kid in Baltimore. Living in fear you will upset the wrong person.

    Being poor in American is no excuse for being violent and selling dope. It's not like being poor in South America, or pretty much anywhere else.

    If you want to pick the streets up. Stop supporting criminals. Stop glorifying gang lifestyles. You have funded all this through drugs, music and movies.
  19. I'm not sayin we should kill stupid people, but let's stop putting warning labels on everything and let the problem sort itself.
  20. Besides all that. The racism is unreal in Baltimore. It's just like a bunch of white nazis. Expect they are black.

    Matter of fact white people are targeted for drug sales. Their whole community. Not the oppressive government. Not the police. Normal everyday white people. They even keep count of the white girls they sleep with. Knock them up and on to the next one.

    Don't confuse this with black people in general. It's a certain group. Just like certain white groups, certain Mexican groups. Certain of any race. Expect they go the extra mile. Dealing death and hate through drugs and violence.

    You need to start laying blame where it belongs. The radical attitude of specific groups. They same way we lay blame on racist whites.

    Like CNN is trying to showcase about the drug dealing. I'm was 14 no money. No job, no one would give me support. So I sold drugs. Well...who gave that kid the drugs to sell. A adult. Most likely a black adult. Trying to make money exploiting youth. Killing people. Destroying lives because they don't have one. Creating fatherless children. Getting mothers addicted. Turn your own sister out on the streets. For a couple dollars in drug money and some new gear.

    The church in Baltimore should be ashamed for associating with the drug pushers. There is nothing Christian about dealing heroin. There is nothing Christian about dealing crack rocks.

    That money goes to people in countries that would prefer you didn't exist. To people who don't care if your children have parents. They don't care if your wife becomes a street woman. They don't care if you have to do unmentionable deeds to get money for your habit.

    Seriously. The church has no business consorting with gang members pushing death. It enables them.