Baltimore is Burning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Yayyy name calling
  2. It is precisely the uninformed like you that don't understand the democrat infighting that is inner-city riots. (There was no shooting) (/)_-)

    A half century or more of democrat rule has led to terrible living conditions in the cities. Those who vote for the people in power, primarily the African American population in these places, rage over the years of democrat policy that brought these conditions.

    Black democrats vs the democrat police state. Conservatives and libertarians just sit back, flip on the tv from their nice and peaceful Republican towns and shake their heads asking, "why don't these people learn?"

    But no they will continue to vote for democrats and these deplorable living conditions will continue. The Libs will blame the white people for their "white flight" from the cities and the African American people (most) will buy into it as they always have.

    Sadly, they won't understand that this "white flight" term created by their white democrat leaders is so inherently racist that those who use it might as well be wearing the white hoods of the Klu Klux Klan.

    This term means that these people believe that blacks aren't viable enough to sustain an economy like whites. Effectively not full citizens. Let that sink in.
  3. They are kids who wanted to loot, let them die
  4. The problem is, it is a race issue.

    Let's start with the "harmful drug" charges. Drug use among whites is roughly the same as it is among blacks, but blacks are far more likely to go to prison for drug offenses and do longer sentences. Look at pot:

    And it's not just drugs.

    In Ferguson blacks make up 67% of the population, but were 86% of motorists stopped by police. Whites make up 29% of the population, but 12.7% of vehicle stops. Searches of black individuals result in discovery of contraband only 21.7% of the time, while similar searches of whites produce contraband 34% of the time. In Tampa, 79% of citations issued to bicyclists when to blacks, despite making up less than 25% of the city’s population. You seem the same thing with stop and frisk in NYC. Blacks were overwhelming stopped more than whites, even though they found contraband more often on whites. And when it comes to getting shot by the cops, black teens were 21 times more likely to be shot dead than their white counterparts.

    This stuff isn't isolated. It's going on all over the country and has been for years. It's definitely a race issue. And if it were happening to whites, they'd be rioting too.
  5. Marijuanna is not a harmful drug in the eyes of the law. Show some stats of herion, crack, meth.
  6.  exactly
  7. Weed is rated more dangerous than cocaine by the drug laws.
  8. This situation has so much wrong with it.

    First off, a perp dies in police custody after a chase. Apparently he died from a spinal injury. It's safe to assume this injury was sustained when the perp was subdued. (Guessing here, but imagine an officer was kneeling on the perps back to end the fight quickly)

    My questions are as follows.

    Why the hell are you running from the cops??

    When caught, why are you FIGHTING the cops?

    What is little known about is that this person was detained by 6 cops, of which a few were black, so the police involvement is multiracial.

    God, I hate talking about race. Can't America ever get past this whole black victim thing?

    Break the law, go to jail.
    Run from cops, get chased.
    Fight cops, die.

    These are really easy lessons.

    My theory here is that there is a sub group in America that profits greatly from race baiting. They find their power in stirring crap like this. Race baiting is an American industry. It won't be going away anytime soon
  9. [​IMG]

    You were saying Arigoth?
    They are learning Willy. Many states have already legalized for personal use and the rest are following soon.
    Say again Arigoth, I couldn't hear you. Speak up

    And Amen to that post Moose. Point on!!!!!
  10. You are actually incorrect. In a huge difference of numbers. More americans have been killed by terrorists than police officers. Where you got your numbers is quite inaccurate.
  11. Marijuana is rated as a class one drug, while cocaine is class two. I didn't classify them personally lol

  12. Well, number one, cops look for citizens like him with a heavy drug relate back grounds. Even if it borders on the stalkish side. He knew this.

    My assumption is that he ran because of his past with police. He may have done nothing wrong that day and felt in order to better to protect himself, he needed to get away from the cops. Is it right? Up for debate. He knew he did nothing wrong/had nothing on him (that I know of) that day.

    The race card is used to both sides advantage like my dear friend Buck is doing with this post. That made up ending paragraph is disgusting.

    My problem with this is, if the law breaker/suspect is unarmed, do the cops have the right to kill him?

    Gun vs Gun I can see
    knife vs gun depends on situation
    Body partys to gun outstanding exception needed

    I've decided to go case by case with this instead of giving a broad answer. And with the current info, I'd same some police brutality was involved if a perfectly fine man dies in police custody from a severed spinal cord.

    I'd actually a thread on the case at hand than this excuse. I look forward to someone picking this apart.
  13. Agreed moose, it ain't going anywhere. Regardless of race, that is the trump card always brought up.
  14. Personally, when someone in police custody dies I tend to question how it happened, not why they were running. It doesn't matter why they were running. They died while they were in the custody of the authorities. The people who represent the law.

    As for America's race problem, the Aboriginal population in Canada is treated almost as bad and lives with as much hardship as the African-American population. Ask Robert-Falcon Ouellette about it. They're just not rioting over it.

    You don't like talking about it? Try living it.
  15. @Moose its not abt race lol. Race is just what people say so they can riot n loot. Aj how r u gonna try to justify running from the cops. If someone runs from cops and when they catch him hes clean. Id bet u 99% of the time he threw whatever he had. And as far as shooting. Pull a gun on me and ur dead. I dont care where u aim it what u say. Ur dead. Pull a knife u sure as hell better drop it or ill shoot ur ass in the leg. Actually cut me or run at me. Ur dead. Fist fights complicated. If hes got no history taze or spray n arrest his ass. A cold hard thug w a long history im gonna shoot u Ur forgetting u can beat some1 to death. Not to mention if u tangle w him n lose he can grab ur gun n shoot u.
  16. If he threw something, I'm sure the cops would have found it by now and used it as justification for the arrest.

    In no way am I justifying his running. I said it was up for debate if it was smart to do it or not. Personally, I would have welcomed a search if I was clean.

    Are you a cop? Because right now, you sound like a civilian and I'm glad you are one. Yes, you can beat someone to death. But if 6 officers can't contain one with no weapons, we may need to rethink this whole thing.
  17. Justification? He ran. Cops dont play tag ik u prob love playin it still but it's illegal to run from copscorrect me if im wrong there cause if so im abt to go have some fun. And u can have a friend pick it up or throw it in a mailbox or hand it off. Really wouldnt b hard
  18. We've pretty much established Buckeye's an idiot.

    And you're right. Both sides play the race card. Conservatives tend to blame blacks "thugs". Liberals tend to blame "racist" cops. And there's some validity to each side. Are there black thugs and criminals? Of course there are. But there's thugs and criminals of every color. Are there racist cops? Of course there are. But there are honest cops too.

    The thing is, there's no denying that blacks are and have been disproportionally targeted by law enforcement. The statics overwhelming prove it. Is it because of racism or misguided policy? Is it both? I don't know.

    What I do know is, the police represents the State. It represents us, society. We're the ones who fund them and authorize them to use deadly force against citizens to enforce the laws that we, society, create. And when they break the law themselves, I think it's much more serious problem than someone selling drugs or stealing a TV. It's a problem we'd best start paying attention to and fixing, or we're going to have more people killed and more riots.
  19. Under my understanding, IF police have reason to believe he's doing something suspicious, they can talk to him and give a quick pay down. That's what they are going with for now. If they found weed on the man/in the area, it would prove them correct in their suspicions. They didn't.

    If the cops saw him break off running and they were on bikes right behind him, wouldn't the cops seen him stuff it in a mailbox/throw it/pass it off? Even if he did it before, I know cops comb the area looking for weed. 
  20. The fact this guy died in custody is terrible, and there needs to be a proper investigation. This should be pretty apparent. However, I am reluctant to rush to judgement.

    How did the perp sustain a life ending spinal cord injury? I can only speculate. Maybe the cop who restrained him was huge. Maybe drug use made the perps body weak. Maybe it was just a terrible fall. Maybe it's all of the above. Maybe it's something entirely different.

    An investigation is clearly needed. We don't have enough facts.

    What is NOT clearly needed, however, is rioting. It does nothing to restore or create any racial harmony in what is most likely a non racial incident