I agree with the message (kind of) but not with the anarchy. African Americans can do the math. The ratio of black crime to white crime and white police to black police is high. Why? Well throughout the world crime is higher in urban areas. Many black people live in urban areas. So, they are part of crime in cities. There are many white cops due to any number of reasons including discrimination in police force training. So I'm not surprised to see white cops shooting black people.
Clearly this is race baiting. So many wrong "facts" states in this post. But then to end it with false information and to include a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is atrocious. Please, mods. Step up and lock/delete this post.
The rioters of Baltimore are creating mass destruction. When are they going to realize that when all is said and done, they have to pay extra taxes to repair it all? I understand a lot of them feel that this was a hate crime by the police, to this 25 year old African American, and it very well may have been. You never know. However, not every time that an African American is killed by police,is it racist. When African American police kill Caucasian citizens, I don't see any type of rioting to this extent happening. This is truly sad. As Baltimore has already been put into a State of Emergency, I'm waiting for when they are put into Martial Law. When all rights are terminated, the city can be taken back under control. While I do support the peaceful protests and what they believe, there is no way to even view these juveniles who are destroying everything. If they wanted respect, they didn't get it. They lost it. They've lost their pride. I'm praying for Baltimore. Sorry that rant made no sense. I'm tired and highly annoyed by this at the moment... Ali out.
Who's a minority in the United States? Reading this thread makes me feel like posting anything falls on deaf ears with the amount of racism I've seen in 3 pages. I'm white. I believe there are white police officers that are racists themselves, and that blacks are sometimes profiled incorrectly, and are unfairly treated. Messed with. There are many legal ways to correct the injustice. Rioting and attacking police doesn't solve anything..it's merely a payback method, and I understand. But destroying your city? Makes no sense to me.
I fail to see how destroying property of innocent business owners and being opportunistic felons supports their cause. When in fact it confirms the crime statistics that they often cry are the result of profiling. If they want to be treated with dignity and respect, they need to behave with dignity and respect. They will most certainly never earn it, nor prove their "we are specifically persecuted" cry by committing hundreds of crimes, many violent to protest this very thing. Perhaps their pent up energy could be better spent cleaning up their neighborhoods and creating a safe positive environment where they can raise their children. Their behavior and lack of conscience is learned, it is not innate. Ending the vicious, continuous cycle might be a better place to start expressing themselves. As it stands now, they are merely confirming crime statistics and debunking the "profiling" myth.
Many people have interesting views on this topic, and all are entitled to their own opinions. Its interesting to see how people from different lifestyles beliefs run.... Those of baltimore that are rioting and looting, fighting and starting fires.... Are cowards. Mob mentality. Too young to be held accountable and wish to start a "revolution". Okay okay We know there are still racist white people in America. We know all sorts of races hate eachother and commit crimes against one another. We know that police are corrupt in pockets around the world, in all countries, why should Americas police not have their pockets as well? Do I think the "black lives matter" movement shouldnhave been started around the /victims/ that were fought over? No. I think this movement should not have been started based around criminals getting themselves into situations where they died. No matter what validity these people hold, that will always be why many cannot take them seriously. In my area, ive had 3 white people shot and killed by african american police officers. 3. Know how many made national headlines? Zero. I think that african american people are the ones that have been committing hate crimes over the last few months. Problem is, everyone is afraid to state the truth. Was slavery horrible? Hell yeah. Has it been decades since this occurred? Yep. Why should these peoples defenses be "my great grandfather was oppressed by white people, so im allowed to act how i do. Just because i hate mexicans, spaniards, irishmen, and whiteys, doesnt mean im a racist" btw that quote is seriously someone in oakland being interviewed on the protests. There is no need for racial segregation of any type these days but it still happens. Baltimore is pulling an oakland. Destroying their homes and community because they can. How many changes will occur for the better of both parties from this act? Zero.
I honestly believe the minority in the United States of America are the ones who are with equality and against racism and stereotypes.