Balancing bfe...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SuPeR-I3aD_-X-_TH3_WaR-G0D, Jun 14, 2013.

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  1. @ khay. Maybe had you explained sed point earlier in as well a thought out post id take u seriously. Dont try to ride a wave you didnt make. Now go back to whackville.
  2. The bfe change isn't what I'm worried about, I'm worried about nerfing GHs.

    How will they do it? what will they take away? Will I have to change my build to stand a chance in season 2?
  3. @jac. Theyll probably tweek gh plunder somehow.
  4. Thats my theory atleast
  5. Whackville is pretty funny 

    Check page 1 though before you go running your mouth cause you got caught discussing things above your pay grade.

    This thread reminded me of that friend we all had in college. The guy who always talked about girls and what they liked, but never seemed to get one ' )

    You had all the answers but no love... Ahhh maybe that's why you went with whackville - it's where you spend most of your time 
  6. Jac

    Hopefully they implement a simple system of each land explored that is defeated is worth a certain $ amount regardless of the building on it.

    They can then add a % for the stats that player has in $ as well. This way winning against a guild build will still be profitable and there is no need to mess with the rest of Kaws mechanics
  7. My god another one trying to derail the discussion. I dont get paid to play this game because its a game. Anything i discuss about this game i am qualified to discuss. You remind me of the lil cheerleader boys in school who stood behind thier cool friends and agreed with everything thing sed. But thats besides the point lame. Now get on topic like you were in the beginning or bounce.
  8. Your original topic was comparing the annihilation of an indigenous species to a game. That real life war isn't fair and balanced so neither should the system wars....

    Anything off topic should be a welcome distraction I'd think, but then again I don't "de-rail" my own thread with immature comments about visiting an imaginary town where everyone is whacking it 

    This discussion of your fantasy about a town filled with fap fap fapping is much more interesting than your comments about BFE.

    Are you the mayor of said whackville? Did you get elected? In your fantasy how did people "cast" their votes 

    Never mind, I'm sure I don't want to know ' )-
  9. ... whacking it? Is that wat they do there??? That was all your pervy lil mind buddy. I envisioned a place where lame-os like you reside in quarantine to spare the rest of the world from annoyance. Anywayz this thread has gone to hell im requesting a lock. If u have any more issue with me, im not sure if im big enough, but you know where the att button is at. have fun.
  10. Resorting to hitting someone because of forums and not being able to clearly express your ideas is just another form of ignorance.

    Happy kawing 
  11. @ OP. Without even reading the bulk of your thread I can see you are embarrassing yourself. You should probably abandon ship and request a lock.
  12. Resorting to hitting someone is part of a war game ;) happy KaWing
  13. i agree thats crap devs stink i paid my hard earned money for this equip now they want to take it away well thenn i want my money back taking away a service i paid for
  14. ^valid point. Most of us, and some of our parents, worked hard for the money to xtal durring war and for equips that may be nullified in future wars.
  15. Well good luck with that, my BFE is too big for you 

    I'm curious in this scenario are you the Native Americans or are you Osama Bin Ladin...

    Damn it the Mayor of whackville has me fapping on his thread 

    I'm outta lotion and interest, good luck op, maybe your next thread can talk about what LB player is iprophets main 

    Took me too long to write this, but REALLY you two are so ignorant it's amazing - no one is taking away your equipment - merely factoring it into your strength during system wars - I give up - it's like trying to explain algebra to a 4 year old 
  16. Devs should count in bonus from pro packs as weel. As otherwise it is not fair to those who don't have them.
  17. why are you complaining bout bfe? bfa issue is certainly more important.
  18. That's just rich. XD You're complaining about wasting your "hard earned money", yet you knew completely well that you were spending it on a game in the first place. I'd say that's about as hypocritic as it gets. Anyway, about the BFE. If you think about it, if you spent time in Season One (I had no part in it), then you would easily see why BFE may now be taken into consideration. If everyone in a clan had level Fifty Rancor and they were placed up against a clan with similar stats, etc, but no levels, obviously the Rancor clan would win, hands down. This would simply be making it a fair match for first-time
  19. First-time warrers with nothing from Season One. You have to look at it from both perspectives. But, as I said, don't go complaining about wasting your money because you spent it on an animated game. As if you hadn't wasted it in the first place, now you're complaining about your conscious choice to purchase it. I find that the funniest part.* (Sorry, accidentally pressed submit. :/ Clumsy fingers, I tell ya.)
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