Balanced vs Mixed Builds - The Truth (Updated for all Tiers)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Versa. You're a genius, and what I read makes total sense. Going to change up my troops now 
  2. Bump. Love this info. You've made some excellent intelligent fhresds.
  3. Nick, you're just a butt kisser. This is still kind of misleading.. I would say more, but I know Versa will just come back to debate about it.
  4. How? As far as I personally see, He hasn't misled anyone, just put up information for people to interpret themselves.
  5. Can you please summarize ?
  6. Bkt. Wow. Havent seen u for ever
  7. I'm confuzzled...

    Surely when I attack, I attack with the raw stats of all my troops? Then lose a proportion leading to getting an amount of hits, 2 more for balanced.

    I don't attack with just the proportion I lose in a battle leading to APpH being important?

    I've tried reading this a few times and it makey no sense.

    Before this is potentially stickied I think the devs need to clarify it as it could be misleading info.
  8. Black fando and everyone who questions this. This thread merely states that when both builds are at the same troop levels and have the same number of actions left in the bar until emptied, the mixed is stronger than the balanced.

    This is not referring to full unloads but when you regen in a war or have lower troop levels due to pvp, 1v1, OSW or anything involved with that aspect.

    I hope this clears the issues up ️

  9. Feel free to give me a scout. I love my build and i agree with op.
  10. I'm with you now!

    Thanks ️️
  11. Okay so I have a question
    Is mixed 1 Cursed Foundary and 1 Titans lair?
    And if so, would it be recommended to switch out Coe in LL for mixed?
  12. Depends if you war or not. If you continuously fight from a pinned stet and do not regen to a full troop level consistently, this build is probably the correct one for you. If you fun yourself hitting an eb every 65-70 minutes, than the balanced is for you because you are consistently fighting from a full troop state.

    Hope that answers your question ️

  13. However if you put in a single balanced building into your mixed build, wouldn't that be better for both wars and EBs?
  14. Correct ️ call it a super mixed build :lol:

  15. Bump because I'm bored :lol:
  17. Too bad Jac, it's been proven :lol:
  18. I stopped reading when everything became blue
  19. Ya, I need to change that for iDevice users :lol: I'll get on my pc soon enough