Re: Balance game out for smalls My thread is more for passionate new players who could potentially be a long term members of the kaw community. You are a almost 6 years account at barely 60m cs. Some people find it fun to not grow, you can still do that if devs help out smalls and mids.
Re: Balance game out for smalls God you are an idiot ...told you mult accts my biggest ones grow very fast. You moron learn how to play KAW in a way that will actually entertain you. It's not the devs or anyone else's fault who starts KAWing before you. It's your own fault for not figuring "it out" ...everybody else who sticks with KAW "figured it out" on their own. Don't be butthurt at me or anyone else because you can't find your own reason to play and no one else will provide it to you. ...either that or get a better job so you'll have more disposable income or maybe cut back on 1 Starbucks a week and spring for a seal you cheap loser. Gonna farm you now ...long long time
Re: Balance game out for smalls Look who's butthurt, if you can't have a civil conversation, maybe you should stay away from one? If you know anything about stats or the game, you'll know that you won't fail attacks against me.
Re: Balance game out for smalls It's really easy to bring new accounts up with events now. I got an alt from 300k CS to 5m CS in one week and then the next event brought it up to 15m
Re: Balance game out for smalls Hmmm slight buff for smalls would be appreciated but im not sure if it's 100% required...
Re: Balance game out for smalls I do support this thread just as i appreciate hectors opinion on this even tho he's not profitting in any way he's putting time and effort in? anyways i think its quite easy to grow fast as a new player. u get alot of plunder if u build the right things and explore the right amt of hl/hf and ug only to the needed tier u can save alot of gold. The ppl rly left behind r the mids. Upgrades cost the same amt of gold for mids as for almost bc accounts, while the plunder is not even a sixth of theirs. i do 265m on hte with ee 4 and br. compare with a bc, no ee and 4b per hit or so. its hard to catch up even with alot of activity, i cld tell books abt it. i unload 16 times a day - i skim asof/lotl for like 10hrs a day, and yet its so hard to upgrade. i earn like 150-200b per day while as big hitters get a few tril with same expenses and effort. Today i did 600 actions in lotl, skimmed 11 hrs, 2 of them with 100% crux, dropped 1 xtal. My reward were 100b and 1 (!) banner stell and not even max slumberdust. this is not the equal value of my effort in no case
Re: Balance game out for smalls Why not ask for a LCBC account for new people? Crikes do any of you want to actually have to freakin work for something? 6 years 2-3 of which spent running t-1 to t-4 EBs for new players plays hell on growth, maybe I should ask ATA to GIVE me something to compensate. The whiners saying give new players more and more ignore the fact the game is dated and broken. New or Old it doesn't matter. I stay for peeps and because I earned and worked hard for my 60m cs. Not some EB HTE Shiny kingdom noob like you.
Re: Balance game out for smalls I started yesterday. Personally, the growth for smalls now a days is less tedious then it was when I first started. Yes, the goal posts keep changing but I think in reality. It gives the whole game a faster pace and it may seem like you're struggling to get like 100tril or what ever crazy amount people are up to now a days. But I can remember when 1tril was 6 months grinding pure haunts.
Re: Balance game out for smalls Its not about not wanting to work. the point is working and getting a reward thats not having a value even close to the amount of ur work. This is frustrating and seen longterm its demotivating and making a percentage of players quit. I'm not a player asking for everything to b goven to me for free, i work, am on 15-16 hrs a day, i skim, and i spend real money on this game almost each day. and yet i dont get a reward equal. thats the point i see a need in to change something.
Re: Balance game out for smalls I didn't read a single thing posted other than the title. The game has been balanced for new players. Silver Bars...Before back to back events I had the relic boots ( 1 all stats), stupid Pinnoid Boots eluded me forever. And I had the spiky helm crap. In fact most of my gear sucked. New players will never understand the grind to try to get the electric now or the struggle to get Aqua and Inferno. Silver Bars... 24 free open lands, a weapon offer to new accounts, new banners you don't have to choose defensive or balanced or offensive. Silver Bars.... What is so unbalanced for them? Wait I prolly won't read it to be honest, but seriously... They even learn the game and never had to struggle on regens with out a repeat button... Silver Bars....
Re: Balance game out for smalls And noobs like you will never understand what its like to grind to lcbc without ebs and prior to pwars... I mean, what a noob thing to say. Grinding for aqua and inferno makes you a KaW vet? LOL This is a silly mindset to have. As are most that are anti faster growth for noobs. Really sick of the "who cares just have fun" line too. I have played this games at all sizes and without out a doubt this game is WAY more FUN when you are bc. Its not even close. BCing allows you to ease off the daily grind of gold chasing ebs and enjoy the other aspects of this game. Seriously tho, I cant believe someone talking about chasing EQ in ebs is calling someone else a noob. EQ is pretty pointless with new lands and builds. All that grinding for very little reward. Hahaha. Your precious eq.
Re: Balance game out for smalls But i easily get 1200 Items from Lotl with a 30 mil cs account, and wars and PvP gives equal items to bigs as well as smalls. So no support for this post
Re: Balance game out for smalls I've been telling ppl the same thing for a cpl years, totally agree with ya op.
Re: Balance game out for smalls You're an idiot. I did not call anyone a noob, thanks. You also don't know me, again thanks. I pointed out all the balanced additions ATA has given new players. I'm actually for it because without it new players would quit, however I don't see what else can become more balanced for them other than just handing out all lands for free. Talk on your main next time so you can stand out more and an idiot.
Re: Balance game out for smalls You must not know that bigs can get 1300 from lotl by just unloading ONCE then?
Re: Balance game out for smalls Everyone seems to thinks that they stayed and worked hard for their cs, so they want others to work just as hard to get it. But in reality when you were growing everyone else was growing along with you. Now smalls have no one to grow with, you seen those clans doing tfo all day?? It's all alts or inactives. Actually, sometimes there are insecure mains too, need to make their own clan to feel big running a bunch of 5m cs inactives. When I started in 2013 there were only two sets of lands, it took 10 months to hlbc, three months of it was osw where no Eb was ran. That's a reasonable time to land complete for any game. There's things to do after bc too, it's not like the game is done after. Collecting allies and warring is a lot more fun than building lands and buildings. When HF came out it took another 6 to 7 months to bc in a mostly hte clan. If a new player started when Hf came out he would have to sit through the same ten months that I did plus another 6 to 7 months after. In real life this sounds fair because we are expected to work for things. But in a game the ten months I spent bcing is already done and over with, I had fun and enjoyed it. I would want more players to be able to catch up so we can war together or be in the same clan together. You meet more people, more people will try and stay playing the game etc etc. Now that there are abyss and air lands, you can slap another 3 years to the time it takes to bc, 90% of you will never bc at this rate. You know you won't but you don't care, because you still think you could and you are bigger than the guys below your cr. Speeding up the game doesn't affect your cr or size compared to everyone else as long as you are active or have money to spend. It only increases the population of kaw and keep more players engaged.