bad matchups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Unholy-Bruin-Oc, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. yeah ... and their campaign "free ally market" was meant to "help" smallest ... lol ...

    you call such "matchups" a "strategy"??? ...

    go sleep a bit more then ... 
  2. whenever I made any kind of matchups a topic, Rikki ... you were one of the first to say ... "just hit back" ... "just hire back" ...

    your turn ... so ... build an own EE team and hit back! ... but stop WHINING! ... 
  3. Uhmmmm am I the only confused one here?
  4. The sheer ignorance of that post is astonishing anc.

    The match up system is supposed to give an even playing field in the esoteric war system. As you can tell from the results this match up was not an even playing field therefore the match up system is flawed.

    As for the free the ally market yafi did do this for a short while but when there's a few big alliances clashing in an osw it's a bit hard to get off the ground.

    As for you personally getting farmed and whatnot. Osw does not have hit restrictions and the hit ratios that the EE war system does. If I was actually OP I would be asking you to leave as you aren't contributing to the thread just seeking attention like always.
  5. Exactly. I find it a shame for clans such as zaft who obviously have great stats but keep getting no matches.. No match means no rancor levels. They get mith from paladin EB but to do what with it?? So for a clan that would most likely reach level 50 they won't...
  6. IT'S A WAR GAME, Rikki! ... face it! ... you can't expect that rising hawks shall always get "no matches" only just bc you're a whiner ...
  7. Still don't see what that has to do with bad EE matches, Ancienne.
  8. No point arguing with an idiot they drag you down to their level and beat you down with experience.

    Deuces guys and girls I've made my points clear, if anyone wants to discuss or question me my PM is there.
  9. weirdly I got less incs by rising hawks or ZAFT than by hypocrits like your kind, who called their voluntarily chosen obviously mismatched fights against far smaller single players an "osw" ... isn't that weird? ...
  10. I was going to participate in season 3 but with everything I've read about how its all turning out I gave up on that idea real quick  *sigh* no ring for me. 