bad ee match ups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by A_Busload_of_kids, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Who started to stack up LB to win EE in season 1?
  2. Yes. Thank GAWD we have all those LB guys in our clan. I'd just hate for the rest of us on the roster to actually have to do anything during our wars. It's the BEST having them there, hitting every single target on the other team and keeping them KOd without the rest of us ever having to even hit that old pesky attack button.

    It's so amazing and such a relief that they single handedly win every single war we are in, because I don't think anyone else on the roster below them could fight their way out of a paper bag. Gosh. I hope I've let all the LB know how I grateful I am for being able to opt in and then not have to do a single thing after that, except collect my mith of course.

    Three or four or even five individual players don't win these wars. These wars are won by 29 clan members, all working together to win. It's a shame that gets overlooked on every single thread about these match ups.

    By the way.... I wonder if a gift basket is appropriate for our LB guys/ladies....have to check Miss Manners. 
  3. your idea is stupid just a repeat ok lets say the top 10 members are 5 mill cs and the rest are 1-1.5 mill cs but there bfe and bfa high it would not correctly match them so the only way to match the wars is to look at each member of both clans individually because the will be m with matched with a clan who's cs is significantly lower than the top members so these matches will always be uneven so stop bitching
  4. Facepalm oh well
  5. Do you speak for Nights Watch Applegirl??? I have some friends there and honestly I'm guessing that every time you post your bragging or put downs of other clans, they wince. I remember you in several clans that we warred. It seems to me that you just hop to better opportunities. I don't respect any of your posts. I don't think u are trying to make these wars better. I think you just enjoy coat tailing.
  6. Stacking of LBs has happened throughout the EE wars, Apoc, Zaft, HGL, RCA etc. all did it and that's fine, it's everyone rights to do this. Eventually they all stopped, either through a mixture of bigger clans/alliances building bigger stacked rosters, through match up changes or through choosing to stop stacking.

    I doubt anyone would disagree that the match ups towards the end of season 1 were the best so far. If the Devs added the BFE portion to that match up system then I believe we'd get the best match ups seen so far. (Personally I don't believe BFE plays that bigger part as just about everyone has the same equipment by now, but agree it's a put off for new players from warring)

    If the devs are afraid of the revenue they'll lose from more no matches then why not make wars more profitable to get more people warring. Get another 10-20 clans warring because it's better to war than hit an eb and there, you've increased revenue to cover the clans who get a no match.

    Right now the match ups don't work, I've been on both sides of the coin and both wars are boring as hell. The best wars are when there is a close match ups, if one side dominates due to strategy then it's still enjoyable because it's that enjoyment from winning based on merit and not winning due to the other side being twice the size of your clan.

    Just my thoughts,
  7. *Rude pulls out sniper rifle and gets a headshot* 
  8. Apple girl thank you for the kind words about my home planet of Rawwrrr. You may have missed our complaining in forums , but still it's appreciated.
  9. Oh Rudi- While you're making your ridiculous judgements about which clan I'm in, why don't you go through all the rosters for EE clans and list the members in each clan who warred elsewhere last season. People switch clans - big deal. I am assuming your comments weren't simply aimed at me, but instead apply to every other clan-hopping coat-tail rider out there. I know, let's start with Fatdude in Warlor on that list of clan hoppers.

    And while I'm not interested, I am very flattered that you've been tracking my movements on Kaw and kept a diary of them. 
  10. What are you talking about apple calling out Fatdude. You have no idea and he is a buddy and several of us have family and friend clans we did season 1 in including home clan... So what? Why go through and insult people you don't even know?
  11. Lol apple tell your lies else where. Your a non loyal clan jumper . Cant ee little Ms sko all war long. You will leave nwocb also if they dont kick u first. U know what they say "one bad apple"
  12. Seems like someone is a bit jelly .
  13. Now we lost 2 wars in a row: against Battlegrounds because they got more Mith than us without risking anything and against Elysium.
    BG is claiming they tried hard? It's a joke: they tried against targets they knew they would lose without using pots or mith. So claiming they fought hard is simple a lie: they wanted to lose and fought hard to do so. Getting 11–14 mith while we got 2-8 Mith. They risked nothing and so they won...
  14. It might be bad match ups..or maybe you just suck ass
  15. I seen the roosters for the 1st time bg boycotted against nw n personally think they did right as matchup was way off. Devs need to bring no match back stop ppl taking advantage of a flawed system. People will always look for a way to game the system humans are weak and feel the desire for power and success but its cheating others in the process who are being honest in wars trying to win fair against a clan where the best strategy wins not determined by a huge gap of power which is unrealistic to overcome.
  16. *FACEPALM @applegirl* how misinformed and sarcastic...It seems she can't grasp simple concepts about several "untouchable" accounts.

    Also- I'll second what rude posted
  17. Ooh this thread just got interestinglooks like few people getting frustrated for not getting enough free mith 2 losses mr Teja? Maybe time to rethink strategy - as far as stacking lb can be consireded a strategyand applegirl/wickedwitch... shhhhthis hurts my eyes. surely nwocb cant be happy with those posts by a EE clan hopper
  18. I think what AppleGirl is reacting to is the fact that when the OP had the same mismatches in his favor, his clan didn't boycott them, nor did the clans fighting them refuse to mith up. By refusing to mith, the OP and BG as a clan cut away NWoCBs (or whatever the hell the initials are, jesus, can't we just call y'all the Blackies? Wait, nvm, it makes sense now) payout. And that's 50 shades of wrong.
  19. @superman she thinks that several LBs that can't be put down don't win it for them.