bad ee match ups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by A_Busload_of_kids, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Ask Teja how many times I hit? I attacked many, many more times than I was hit. I failed every time but I would of failed with full Mith on too.
  2. Might just be me, but I'd refrain from speaking for everyone in a clan, when clearly the statement made doesn't apply to 99% of those who warred. Just sayin'
  3. Um, 99% of 29? Just sayin'.
  4. @OP

    I guess the point is: why cry in forums about unfair matches when u boycott those you don't fancy your chances but trash and farm the crap outta those "unfair" wars when it is obvious you'll least even if you were not sure about winning then you could have stopped after 30-40b lead. But no...

    This just makes your boycotting very biased. Hence why you are not getting flamed by forumers?

    So yeah. You dont like it but not the whole clan feels the same? Then leave the clan and go to a less known one
  5. For the sake of clarity, and for those matched with NWoCB in the future. The reason that their actions are so low is that we tried really, really hard to hit them. They are just too strong. OK, we didn't use Mith or pots. Makes no difference. We couldn't hit them even if we had.
  6. I agree with Ptreey. The post was respectful and in no way seemed to be "whining". Stated facts, the LB gap, and what im also guessing to be a significant distance with regards to BFA between the teams. Why is it when someone offers a criticism of the system they are said to be whining? Smh.

    The devs fixed no-match for one day and then flipped the switch back. Most of the responding community has said that they wanted to go back to EE match up algorithm from the end of Season 2, but im guessing the code was sucked into a black hole somewhere.

    But yes, in this case im sure #2 clan was much, much closer and should have been paired with #3.

    Most of us could match these teams better on the back of a napkin. I'm personally going with the assumption that the system is broke and that it will stay that way. Cheers and looking forward to Season 6 (maybe things will be fixed by then)
  7. To clarify I am not complaining about stacking, clans have been stacking since before season 1. Any system that allows abuse will get used such a way to provide greatest advantage to one clan over another. Looking at the way things are its almost like I am either forced to boycott wars or stack somewhere bigger to provide a more balanced match. However instead of both of those options I would rather force devs to make the system a little better for everyone from small clans to huge giants. Match ups should be close to fair or not matched all. Most warriors just want a good war, match ups that are way too easy or way too hard are no fun for everyone. And I think I can write a better match up algorithm given enough time, but devs see people complaining weekly for a while now and still no changes.
  8. Just wondering what happened to all the forum threads OP created during the blowout wars his clan had the benefit of during the trials. Oh, that's right. There aren't any.
  9. There have been plenty of threads created by other clans about unfair match ups
  10. Easy Fix, scrap The VP EB and replace it with auto Mithril repayment to losing clan members.
    You get back what you cast for war, eradicating ALL clans that sign up for war to lose for VP EB.
  11. Boy this reminds me of t3 days when all you needed was lb buddies to win wars lol ..... teja/apple no doubt there will always bad matchups ( I have had my share on both sides ) but come on lets be honest your top what 18?-20? Top 50 ally lb and I know others aren't far behind how is that anyway a " fair " matchup ? Now hands down gj on getting that squad together but yall know just as well as I do the system is garbage .... as far as battlegrounds go well I have no ties nor links there but I can understand p's post
  12. I vote that VP is scrapped. At the precisely the sane moment that 'no matches' for vastly mismatched wars are brought back.

    Of course that won't happen. Season 2 is payback for the LB being excluded from Season 1. For being too big!

    As long as the winners in such 'mismatches' get disproportionate rewards for marginal risk I suggest the 'losing' clan cast no Mith and use no pots. Losing EE and Rancor is enough of a punishment. Giving the 'victor' unearned extra Mith for little effort on their part should be discouraged.

    If you are on the bad end of a mismatch against a clan I'm in that's the advice I will offer you.

    Most of us want close wars. Lets not kid ourselves that the current method provides them.
  13. BNazty you give me way too much credit. I'm sitting around 3500 on the strength LB. I am your basic mid-roster strength player, still growing and building BFA.

    However, I do fall just under 1600 on the valuable rankings board if that counts .
  14. I don't war for vp, I war to enjoy kaw, bad match = no joy
  15. Come on dont none of you have the heart to play for blood.
  16. Your also ranked 45 in clan lol .... Hey like I said gj on getting crew together but I don't know of a single clan that could compete with nwcb stat wise , hell I don't even think rising hawks have a shot and they haven't lost but a hanfull since wars started lol js
  17. Bad match up - not casting mith or warring?
    Why not cast mith that you will get back via VP EB and give the opposing clan the rewards they should get for an EE win.
  18. Agree with ptreey and -IMF-. The motivation of changing the matchup system for s2 was to fix the gh exploit causing the highly uneven payout between HLBC ghs and other builds, as reported by many other players. The original matchup system worked pretty well except for the problem of a gh-heavy roster vs a more evenly distributed roster.

    However, unfortunately, in the end the gh exploit was not fixed. The worse, the introduced one hr war with random ko advantages and DTW/DTS further favored the gh-heavy rosters. Gh-heavy clans win the wars by plundering in the beginning and turtling the rest of the war. There is nothing new here. Their strategy is plain and simple. DTW/DTS helped the ghs reduce the amt of inc attacks because a lot of ppl couldn't hit them. Random kos just helped them to do skos more easily because no one knew now when they would come up. If devs want to make changes, at least changes should be fair to every clan, not to only favor a certain strategy or a certain roster.

    Besides the unfixed gh exploit, the other matchups were crappy as well. Limiting gaps between CS and BFA are not necessary any more. BFE is highly over-weighted instead. So those who have fought hard in s1 to earn the equipment are being punished now by highly uneven matchups. Nevertheless, bad matchups are still better than no matches, right? C'mon, that's dev's real income.

    From my observation, there are only two ways to guarantee a win in the current matchup system: either stack tons of ally lbers together with other big stats players to make a super strong roster or make a bipolar roster with one side of big stats plus ally lbers and another side of non-towered ghs. Trust me, it will work. No need to beat your brains to think about a winning strategy any more. Good luck everyone!
  19. lol Nazty hit the nail on the head, referring to the top 18/20 in nwocb (not # 45). Stacking LB currently means a free mith and EE ride and at the moment nwocb is best at that. Enjoy it but don't try to make it sound as if the matchup system is anywhere near fair
  20. :D I loled....still am.

    So fighting really really hard.....just without mith and pots? Is that really fighting hard or is failbombing yourself to pin so you don't loose either defence or attack pots closer to the truth? Guess the cost of a billion or two is to much for players your size, takes weeks to make that kind of money for ya?

    Complain all you want about matchups (and you are rightfully doing so) but have some integrity man. In clans like Silver, ER and RH you would be kicked on the spot for this kind of ******