Back in my day...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by the_few_the_mad_the_dangerous, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Back in my day farming was getting the **** beat out of you...
    now its getting a couple random inc
  2. Oh noes 2 hits I better cry about it!

    Another back in my day!

    Back in my day ebs were taking over pwars
  3. Back in my day kaw was full of trash talk and clan wars looking for mercs
  4. Uneducated one word no hyphens

    Also, when listing things with a colon there needs to be more than two things listed, otherwise one should either use commas or semicolons.

    I should also point out that you also used "your" improperly in order to insult me when multiple people just corrected inaccuracies on the subject.

    Now who is incredibly slow...

  5. *triple checks for perfect grammar*
  6. Why not just double?
  7. Three points of correction=triple
  8. What? Aside from the obvious literal translation your provide what point do you have?
  9. Now I gotta have points? Darn...
  10. Back in my day people actually put effort into their threads instead to just writing 1 - 3 sentences and then posting it in the forums.
  11. Back in my day, we didn't have noobs that made pointless, rubbish threads...
  12. Wow, that really was back in the day... 1 point
  13. Back in My Days......

    Emmet made it to Ally LB by hiring over 5000 allies and he would sit back and hit LB accounts and he was DTW to them.
    Pissed them off greatly

    We had Hansel.
    That's where the Hansel build came from
  14. Back in my day we had noobs making **** threads like they do now.
  15. Lel. My sausage fingers are too op. :(
    And why were you being a grammar nazi to me?
    I didn't even comment on your grammar.

    I also noticed that you forgot a question mark at the end of your rhetorical question at the end of your post.
    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    I also find it amusing that once you get into "intelligent mode", you begin using "one" in the third person.
  16. Back in my day I got banned for this multiple times :
  17. Damn right... That was something I did first
  18. Back in my day, FC was still around and growing
  19. I just got shot...should I go to a hospital or walk it off? It hurts.
  20. Back in my day, I used to swim with dinosaurs.