I can testify that Aztec is a great well-knit family! I joined Aztec after a while of wandering around the kaw world, looking for a new stable family after my first one was tragically destroyed. Hardened by unsuccessful clans and costly osw (I didn't enjoy it back then, unlike now), I was taken into the warm nest of Aztec. I have been a loyal member here ever since. Aztec has had its enjoyable EE war times during the first and second seasons, as well as the first chaos wars. Maybe we weren't one of the best and famous EE clans, but we took pleasure and enjoyment in those wars. However, we are not supporters of EE system exploitation by the sh/lb/tank clans and we weren't willing to adopt it, so we turned to osw. During the osw against ZAFT/WDGAF alliance, Aztec has developed a core group, and our bonds are as strong as that of a family. Aztec will never back down in face of war and we are looking for like-minded individuals to join us! Aztec and family clans run b2b ebs in order to prepare for the worse times of war. We encourage growth in peaceful times and vicious retaliation in times of war! Be prepared to stock up on pots if you join us. Also, I like to think of our Aztec ladies as vicious, sexy, and beautiful! hehe AZTECA
Its good to see you guys n gals still kicking. Still cherish those EE trials when rosters were not stacked. Had a great time at Aztec. Wish you the best.
Good thread Rice! I moved here a little over a year ago when my clan, fk2, merged with Aztec. Back then we were excited noobs that could finally do Haunting without begging for merc's help. Since that time we have grown tremendously. Not only in our experience, our cs and our clans and members, but in pride, loyalty and bonds amongst each other that will endure forever. To my loyal brothers and sisters in the Aztec family, it is truly an honor to be one of the leaders of such fierce warriors. Seeing your selflessness and commitment shows true pride in your home and I commend all of you for it. Above all you are my friends. You never take this game too seriously...always cracking jokes and pulling pranks and you always make this game fun for me. You make me proud to be Aztec. I will always have your back.
Bravo and well said cactus !!!! To all my AZTEC family i have fought by everyones side against Zaft and wdgaf (much respect btw)and we never backed down we were the smallest UC clan during osw but still never quit we earned the respect of many Zaft and wdgaf becuase we never quit i have nothing but love for my clans and will fight anyone that wishs to test that AZTEC FOREVER WE STAND TOGETHER SO WE WILL NEVER FALL
Support-the Aztec family is a great bunch and have always been there to help Arng.we are fortunate to have them as an ally
I, myself, meet this crazy bunch during the ZAFT OSW. Osw wasn't really my thing while in ZAFT, but waking up to the Inc and fun banter from AZTEC made my time there enjoyable. I traveled a bit after leaving ZAFT, in hopes of finding my place where I could ee war. But, the friends I made in AZTEC, was what drew me to come visit. Then one day, I thought, if I'm just gonna keep coming back and they welcome me everytime as their own, it just made sense to become a fierce lady Aztecs.
Best part about being in Aztec, is I still have the freedom to play my game as I see it. They are not full of rules, and you cant do this or that. The leaders just want us to have fun and be ready to dig deep to protect the family when the need arises. Next to my first home, this is hands down the best clan ive ever had the honor to fight with. And look forward to the days ahead
I won my first EE war at Aztec. I Fought my first Osw here also and earn't my tital as Aztecs #1 meat shield. Before i joined Aztec i felt i diden't really belong anywere. I am proud now to have a place to call home among these fine people. SUPPORT!!