Aztec forever!!! Love my new Aztec family. Took my family and I right in with opened arms never missing a step. Much respect to my Aztec brothers and sisters
Aztec has my loyalty. Met Aztec back when they were still doing reck and joined their fam not much later. Love you guys
I will fight to no end for my Aztec family and will stick with them through thick and thin these are my brothers and sisters!!! HOORAH!!! Good job Rice!!
I love Aztec sooooooo much, they took me in when i didn't have a clan and i have stayed since. They are a great family and i am glad every day to be part of them. I have been here for a while and when through a osw with them (zaft vs. uc) and i loved every minute of it just because i had a great family. I plan on staying in Aztec until the end of time. TL;DR. Support and i love you aztec
meh.....guess hot aztec chicks sounds good. should add to the OP. i never saw a aztec babe before....