At the time that Relentless Aztecs requested a CF they had been recruiting heavily and were a higher LB rank than us. At the start of war, Aztec Wizards were also larger than us, their top 3 were bigger than our cr1 by a margin. Mayhem, Chaos n alt ect - obviously they ran pretty quick thoughjust like you I may add
Pure lies across the board relentless always sucked biggest eb they ran was hte with xtals, and help. Wiz some might have been bigger than some of you're top but doubtful mozez and a few other was around the size of me.. So you are sadly mistaken
Mozez was not around at the start of war and was never a perm..he had Yafi tags.. Then went to BH (had BH tags). Also Relentless Aztecs were the most active clan when they were around I admit they sucked after we infiltrated them and kicked everyone but Yano.. They regrew pretty well after that until they cf
Cause I left Aztec On a different note, I'm cool enough to have a stalker, my mom would be proud :lol:
True but after the pvp event people left you had almost 6x the members of awp,then you merged with genesis. I'm not being biased
You have no clannies... Oh well. Aztec is bigger now. In the end it don't matter. Awp is dead. And its so called owners, council whatever you guys are. Are just talking, do some farming. Actually hit and maybe you'll have something to talk about besides that you took down two small clans.
Sharp you understand I know mozez is erup? Oh noes you showed yourself up.. At the start you also had val and so on so ether way we are growing you are erm yea
Yea granted you had people there from event, but being said wiz had bigger players is just silly Aa only had around 5 bigger (weather yours was perms or not they stayed a long time)
I'm no one of importance. The fact that you believed what I said shows that you're either naive, inexperienced with the Internet, or just plain stupid. Which one is it? :lol: Oh by the way, I didn't leave, just in case you couldn't get it through your head :lol:
Oh? I don't remember inviting you to bh. What persuaded us to let you join? And why is that account a piece of rubbish now? And the way you say it implies that it was no longer you.. :shock:
I dont understand awp's argument. Aztec is stronger than ever & skyrocketing fast & AA is still alive & kicking. So what is your point supposed to be?? From what i see your point is you guys suck & we dont lol. Oh well its not of importance anyways bcus anyone who notices you guys talk they can tell how full of nonsense you are lol.