attention sekers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Just shut the **** up
  2. Post farmer
  4. Couldn't even read half of it you uneducated nimrod
  5. Jak Daniels?
  6. Lol, this is funny.
  7. Just one thing. You spelled seekers wrong. You spelled it sekers in the name of the thread
  9. #SaltyForPrez2k16
  10. #salty4worldrulerandatadev
    Salty I have been wrong. I have been a chump. I'm so sorry please cleanse me from my wrong doing. Teach me to be a champ like you.
  11. Wow lol
  12. Salty, an honest question for you.
    Why do you do that?
    I've seen you type properly, you have an excellent grasp of the English language.
    Why put effort into making every post that way?
  13. Hadnt u retired?
  14. Alwais post in my threads cuz he mirin lol

    Pd. I also farmed him.

  15. Gat it. Ill tri not to do it again,
  16. I canot take u siriously if u onli got 11 posts eben if u habe a balid point
  17. Ss or bs
  18. It was on a thread you made, won't be hard to find. I'll return.
  19. Cas don b a no lifer dude. Bein a no lifer is a no no. U can read about it upin ma guides! Educate urself man!
  20. I've got the ss, I've just run into the issue of not having photobucket on this device.
    Lotta effort involved in getting it back, so I'm gonna give up.