Re: Request Change to PC version PMs Speaking of which, quick question. How is the current PC pm list put into order?
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs It really does get annoying having to scroll up and down looking for a message
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs Scroll scroll scroll. Nope didn't find it. Scroll scroll scroll. I give up. Usually how it goes
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs in my opinion the pros of pc are: more info at one time, can copy paste from anywhere, searching for allies is easier, less lag, easier to find an eb you need, when you war better setup for targets cons: finding a pm in friends list is iffy at times, cant close out of pm chats, posting adds is shotty due to emoji. if i think of more ill add em
Re: *Update Request* Fix PMs on PC Bump. Whoever PMd me I currently can't find it coz I'm on PC *HINT HINT*
Re: *Update Request* Fix PMs on PC Support.. Change scrolling part so That latest pm pops up at top of the list, n make closing of chat windows possible .