Attack vs. Spy - Overall Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xX-_FIGHTER_-Xx, May 31, 2014.

  1. Really depends.

    I can almost bet RedStar made more than kuzmich before kuzmich changed builds.

    RedStar made 17bill an unload HTE before lv 4/5
  2. That's absolutely not true ^
  3. Actually Redstars bfa is so big he prolly makes a low amount per unload in HTE.. Your plunder goes down once you hit a certain size
  4. Not kidding. I saw a history and he made 17 bill with 63 actions. Could've been all troops, but it sounds correct
  5. Usually comparing similar build cost the hansel will make more on an eb.

    Hybrids pay out less then a hansel of 1 mcs lower.