Attack vs Spy and Hybrid builds in promos

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. 121 is 11^2
  2. :lol: think most of kaw would like this..
  3. Perhaps the devs can enlighten us and respond here? No doubt the response will be something to the effect of 'There are lots of things that come into play when determining drops however we can't disclose it exactly.'
  4. OK..Here It Goes
    Imo Drop Rate Depends On Plunder You Earned According To Your Build Size..It was maybe a thing that the SpY build you mentioned was smaller than you in size and Earned almost same as you..That's The reason He Made More Drops Than You..Coz He Made Far More Gold Than he was supposed To At his size..

    That's The Way I Think It Works
  5. A spy build the quarter of the size of an attack build wouldn't be making more gold. Like I've been saying all along - it should be based on activity. It needs to he fair and balanced for everyone.
  6. How can you regulate activity though?
    One hit per item would mean a statless acct hitting depraved would make as many as a bc acct hitting aff.
    Otherwise it is unfair to small accts with as many actions per eb. And then everyone would have top tier equip, so they may as well just give the equip out and forego the event.
  7. No, not everyone would get top tier equip. People who do B2B HTE would still get the best equip so long as these 4 item promos continue. Everyone knows that and that won't change.
    My main point is that something needs to be done to address the imbalance between builds. It should be based solely on activity so the most active come out on top (besides HTE). One hit, one item was just one suggestion made by Chaos, he also suggested not including items in that count to exclude exploitations. I never claimed to have the answer or solution, I'm just pointing out there's something that needs to be addressed. Keep it fair for all. Promos aren't about build and CS. As I've said several times, it is logical that events that focus on collecting things should be about activity.
  8. I agree. There is always been an advantage in equipment/ item drops for spy builds.
  9. There is only one question and that question is how the devs gunna make it fair for all build types?? Forget hte that sucks a non talented eb
  10. 1. They're not going to change anything.
    2. If you want to speak to them, EMAIL them, the address is:

    3. They don't listen to forum posts, they very rarely read anything other than their own posted threads.
  11. I didn't make this read solely in the hopes that they would read it, Rio. I wanted to see what the community had to say about it and have a discussion. I've already emailed them in regards to this. I wanted to see what others had to say. And I think plenty so far have agreed that there is an imbalance.
  12. It's been this way since the first event. It won't change, because Hansel build mechs would have to change. Attack builds should quietly enjoy their increased plunder.
  13. You've missed my point, Castiel. Promos are not about plunder. They are not about CS. They are not about build type. They are about COLLECTING items. Whoever is the most active should receive the most items. Every build has advantages and disadvantages as previously stated but promos aren't about builds! The imbalance makes it unfair and provides less incentive for attack builds to take part. Whether attack builds make more or less plunder is irrelevant. The pay outs should be based on activity. Not your build type.
  14. The only event I can recall being that way was whichever one I had to farm nml back to back for a month to win. Moths? Think it was the moth one. Either way, it does come down to builds, not activity. It all comes down to builds. And you attack builds would be successful if even one of you recalled the guide by Versa stating how you could achieve maximum drops with your build type. I don't remember what he said, and being a Hansel i don't particularly care. You want to succeed in events, go hunt down his thread.
  15. It needs to be about activity to make it fair to everyone. Promos centre around the collecting of items. Your build type should not affect that. The imbalance is clear when there should not be one. The more active, the more items. The less active, the less items. Not the less active, the more items because I'm a spy build and more active, but less items because I'm an attack build. Perhaps all us attack builds ought to wait for the 'luck' the devs told us about to kick in.
  16. You seem to not be capable of understanding.
    Your build decides your entire existence in Kaw.
    Just because you are active means nothing. Its all about how you use your build.
  17. You guys are comparing it all wrong. Take similar size builds of each type and do a full unload. I guarantee the spy will do much better.
  18. My clan, 3 days ago I think. Hte took 5:01:48, look down EB list for rage, scroll a few down to me.

    Cs roughly the same, he's a slightly towered Att build. I'm a single building hansel.

    Yeah... Totally disadvantaged in favour of spy builds.
  19. The topic is att v spy during events drop rates for spies have a huge advantage leavening attack bulids behind

  20. Read the post above you.