Attack vs Spy and Hybrid builds in promos

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. I'm not sure I would call it an 'answer'. But yes, I got a reply 

  2. The issue is with attack builds. You're a spy heavy hybrid. And in a LB clan lol. If you don't reach 5k then the problem is on your end.
  3. I was going to make a post about how unhelpful a specific support team member tends to be but I think that's against TOU?

    Anyhow I wouldn't bother writing them anymore unless you're a mod or LB player. Seems as though concerns go unheard if you don't fit that category.

  4. I'm neither and had a response within 6 hours.
  5. Devs have always responded to me. Whether it's a satisfactory response is another story. I'd like to see a reasonable response to what's been raised on this thread. Of course, that would mean perhaps devs would have to collaborate to ensure we all get the same response.
  6. I recognize that you put the best probe of the imbalance drops...because both builds have the same cs,until now i had compared with spy builds in general watching that with less hits the proportion was 1/ this new events have reduced to a few more than attack builds but imbalance still is on in the events...
    How many tell the best solution is basing it in activity...random drops is only a illusion...
  7. Random drops doesn't make sense. The drops don't occur like equip, yet it somehow uses the same algorithm and devs are saying it's chance like equip? Yeah, makes total sense. The fact that I received different answers shows they're grasping for an answer.
  8. War beasts you've confirmed spy bulids do better you hit 5kplus am hybrid balanced I made just over 3100 and ruggy an attack bulid made 1800 and she's ACTIVE daily like myself
  9. To prove it, you would have to get 1 of each build, have the exact same amount and level of buildings, same bfe and bfa.
  10. Prove what, Rio? That attack builds are disadvantaged? It is clear in histories...people have commented when comparing there own different accounts that there's a difference also...I suppose it's 'luck'?
  11. Oh so they have the exact same amount of buildings and level of buildings?

    I didn't think so.
    Unless you test it you can either believe what Support say or not, but you can't say with certainty.
  12. There's no need to test it precisely with exact same builds etc. The drop rates should be based purely on an accounts activity - not their damage or their build type. It isn't set up like this at the moment.
    And considering I get several different responses from Support, none of which they could back up - I have no reason to believe what they have to say. The devs aren't even giving the same answers.
  13. @ Rio

    I can see that reasoning the behind the explanation the devs sent about the normal eb drops,although I'd disagree with what they say,but this is about the promo drops which everyone gets.The devs have said it's activity based not random luck based my smallest alt who is spy based was getting larger drops on certain eb's with only about 2 thirds of the actions I performed.In regards to skimming I rarely unloaded but only hit to 60% of each bar.I'd be interested to know what builds the devs have in their app.
  14. It needs to be based purely on activity. Promos aren't about build types.
  15. I'm not sure what having equal builds would prove any more than what has already been established? I'm a smaller cs build than my attk build main (by about 20m cs) and I am less active on this acct. Yet every eb across ALL events I have received higher drops of coins/tithes/various crop items/collectable items on this my spy acct. Go figure.
    The only 'random' element to these events seems to have been the drops for dolarseed chests/boons etc.
  16. Spy bulids will hit 2.5k off the standard SS~TS~AFF~TSG rotation were attack have to go out hunting smaller ebs at achieve the same goal

    Hybrid bulids depends on which way u are am spy heavy and I got 2.5k with 3days left
  17. Rio looks one dev defending to the neck them...when all that have written here their ops and probes of the imbalance,and he continues unbelieving all us...its clearr that he doesnt compare ebs between clans and builds when events are running...
    in the other hand,devs wont answer ever why is the reason of this imbalance with drops during events...
  18. I'm not talking about getting a response. I mean when players email support on certain issues they get standard replies that usually don't answer their concern or fix their problem.
  19. Exactly, Fangs. There's an imbalance that needs to be fixed. I'd like to see a reasonable response from devs that actually makes sense.