Attack vs Spy and Hybrid builds in promos

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Check histories, Chaos. It's very clear. You'll see that most times spy builds have marginally higher drops than the attack builds, even when less active. Look at regular ebs.
  2. Yep in my clan someone had 2 hits more than me I got 100item drops more
  3. Spy builds at a smaller size have a slight advantage.
    Chaos figures onscreen xtals for drops and seal and item usage match exactly with my results from testing I did during the last promo.
    And above a build level definitely does help players massively with drops.

    The last event was a lot of fun where I did it. And my thanks to those who put up with me.

    That said. The 3 xtals for max drops or a seal phase is too high for sustained use for average players. Though 2500 is possible without too many xtals in a b2b hte clan.
    Pvp events are good top ups and had I not been busy would have yielded 50 hearts easily. 10 earnt in 10 minutes literally with only 3 xtals and a sickle. And that was the only time I chased hearts.
    I still prefer 1 item per 1 action for fairness.
    I think it is unacceptable that larger builds get larger drops due to size in what is a limited time promo offer that excludes many from competing for prizes.
    The top spenders even with 1 for 1 action for reward token would still see the top prizes go to top money spenders.
    But at least the rest of the event would be attainable to all at a set rate of actions or xtal usage.
    I would like to see these events with a greater appeal to all to aim for top prizes. Tier prizes anyway. And preferably with a slightly longer staggering between events.

    TLDR go spy
  4. Attacks receive less drops as far as I can tell, looking at eb histories
  5. I haven't really paid attention to the HTE drops. But the difference is clear in regular ebs. Which has been my point all along.
    I like your idea about 1 hit, 1 item, Chaos. But that would perhaps be 'exploitable' in ebs with item phases like Reck.
  6. Exclude item phases. Exploit solved.
  7. I like that idea. I think it's worth considering.  Build type shouldn't play the part it does.
  8. Bigger builds getting more drops would be a softer version of "item level restriction."

    Although that item will never return, there will probably be a better statted item in the same slot during a future promo that the lowbie could compete for once they grow.
  9. Base it only on the activity of the player. 1 hit, 1 item. Or 1 item per 2 hits. Whatever the ratio. Build type ought not to be a factor.
  10. This discrepancy in drops along with other factors is what has reduced my spending on this app,your builds can affect the value you get from spending.I can't see anything changing if the biggest spenders are spy builds though.
  11. From support.

    Ruby replied:
    Hey rio,

    Rewards are chance based but also based on participation.

    Despite what you may see with regards to other players getting more drops than others, the fact is that drop rates of items are chance-based. Being chance-based, I can see how it can be seen as being unfair since a player who puts in far less time than a more dedicated player could be able to get a premium drop much sooner than the dedicated player. This, however, is merely a side effect of RNG-based drop systems. This is not unique to Kaw and is seen across all games that utilize such a rewards system.

    The only solution to overcoming "bad luck" in RNG-based rewards systems is to continue to play and keep trying. Eventually you will receive what you so desire.


    Hi rio,

    While we unfortunately cannot disclose the specific numbers, the way that promotion drops work is indeed the same as item drops. They are based on chance and luck.

  13. Well, that's very interesting considering when I emailed devs they said nothing about it being about chance. I received a completely different (but still unsatisfactory) answer. Seems the devs have no idea either  Nice to see devs are all on the same page.
  14. Chance-based ok that's a new one it really shuddnt be that I think ppl who put 350+ hits in get a high drop rate
  15. If it's based on 'chance' and 'luck' like the devs have claimed, potentially someone with 10 hits on a TSG, for arguments sake, could end up with 100 of the item. Just like low hitters can get equipment drops. From #1 hitter on an eb to the last hitter, there is a general decreasing trend in drops. If it's 'chance based', the drops would be all over the place. It's not though and there are higher drops to different builds.
  16. Dear Ruby at support,
    So it's purely by 'chance' and 'luck' that I gained higher drops on all ebs I hit across all events when compared to my much larger (and much more active) attk build main?
    I don't think so.
    I understand players paying for hte should get better rewards, but for the 'free to play' players it should be a level playing field. With each and every event I can't help but roll my eyes in disbelief. Yes, it's something for nothing. But why should my something be so much better than an attk builds something - even though I'm less active?
    There's little incentive for my attk build to even attempt reward tiers like 2.5k. I'm probably more active than the average kaw player but so disadvantaged solely by build type.
    A reasonable explanation would b welcomed. Sadly I believe the devs don't want to admit the discrepancy as so many attk builds know they have to shell out for seals or accept a significantly lower reward.
    Until events are based on activity (perhaps in addition to chance or random drops, not instead of) I won't be spending hard earned cash on this game.
  17. These events are nothing to do with chance. The fang or moth events had chance thrown in where you could get lucky and get a lot of items these repetive ones have no chance at all.
  18. Made 5k, no xtals or seals....never left clan
  19. At least they answered you you must spend more than me.
  20. Thanks Fangs and Grizzy, exactly!
    And Beast, you're only furthering my point as a spy heavy build 