Attack vs Spy and Hybrid builds in promos

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. @ Rio
    Attack builds lose a major part of their plunder because of towers.

  2. Exactly. Attack builds lose plunder to become more or less invulnerable to spy builds. Which have lower cs and rankings
  3. Could you please post tangible evidence!

    Doing so would definitely be something I would inquire with devs about. Because as far as things are concerned from my perspective - everything seems in order and the same as it's always been. @.@
  4. It depends on actions, attack builds get more plunder with less actions
  5. 126 actions for max drops. Do spy builds get any more actions thru assa then anyone else? Side question, would balanced builds fare better with their extra two attacks?
  6. Because attack build has lots of adt and sdt which spy build does not have that much
  7. Chaos I have a SS I just don't know how to post it
  8. What do attk builds get from using their spies on an hte? If hansels are only getting an additional 7 total for their top spies, I can't imagine there is much of any advantage...unless we are saying hansel troops pay better than attk build troops?
  9. Use this to upload a picture, copy/paste and put tinypic in your search browser:

    Once picture is uploaded, copy the message boards link and post here. :)
  10. I think it might be because they only use spies, not both types of troop. Try using only soldiers next event and report the results
  11. Yeah there is a MASSIVE difference between build types am a small hybrid heavy spy I hit 3k plus last event where ruggy who is an attack build and has a bigger Mcs which seems really unfair
  12. Glad you were able to upload man! :)

    So from this screenshot, both builds got around the same amount of event items, the only difference is actions. Remember depending on your size, once you cross a certain amount of actions - you earn the limit of event items.

    In HTE clans like Facebook or Lounge of Legends, clans share seals and 2 players share 1 phase per Eb. They read this max limit.

    If you don't seal, 2-3 xtals depending on your size will grant you the max event items on HTE. This varies from 80-90.
  13. There has always been a discrepancy for drops spy v's att builds but for events the normal algorithm should be replaced with just activity otherwise it like a 100 Metre sprint and giving certain racers a couple kilos to carry while racing.
    Even the spy builds have made comments about this during the past events.I've had up to 3 xtals on a HTE n never come close to getting 90 item drop the highest ever reached was 60 with over 60 items n xtals.
  14. I definitely have the impression that there is an imbalance in drops, based on the build. This has been the case the last few events.

    Comparing this account to my smaller hansel alt (half of my cs), I always end up with more items on the hansel than the hitter, while being inversely active (the hitter being on a phone always in my pocket, the hansel not...). And plunderwise, I am pretty sure to have gotten more over the full event on the hitter than on the hansel.

    I remember tracking the item drop being proportional to the end bonus pot drop on ebs like Destroyer, for example. And it seemed spies got a better payout from it potwise too.
  15. Drop rates suck for attack bulids I've seen clans having to do triple the ebs just to reach 2.5k were as the big clans stick to the normal rotation of ss~ts~aff~tsg
  16. the best op that i have seen and confirm what many knew...thanks rising
  17. I love how chaos keeps denying it tho. Check my clan's event rotation history and notice rtk--morpheus--x and devi, atk and spy build, tell me what more proof do you need :lol:
  18. Spy builds had a significant advantage in the Psion event in both gaining Psion and getting the ring drops.
  19. No need to make it's not wrong to consider and rule other options in or out. I like the discussion, and kinda like that it's not one monotonous whine thread for once.