Attack vs Spy and Hybrid builds in promos

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. A change is needed to make it fair on all builds.
  2. So the difference is in eb that require more spy actions than att that's always going to be the case because att builds have little spys
  3. Each build has its own advantage and disadvantage. Regarding events, item drop rate is all based on the activity on the respective Eb and amount of xtals used.
  4. Builds are not exactly the point of these events, Chaos. Events are based on collecting items. It's fairly logical that whoever is more active, should get more drops. Build types play too big a role in something that should simply be decided on activity - but it isn't.
  5. I made 5k items doing an event rotation just hit 5008 after a 5 hr long aff and then one hte on the last day with an hr to spare I only got 5 boon this last event totaling 60 coins and 2 crux chest

     I'm a hansel
  6. Yes; there has always been a slight weighing of drops to spy builds. But this may be because of an early adjustment to game mechanics many, many years ago. As you probably know, spy buildings of equal cost to attack buildings give less overall stats to spies. Thus, spy builds that are close to attack builds in a clan ranking are actually more developed. A second effect is that because there are more spy actions, the spy build is overall killing more of the enemy than an attack build. Thus, the number of actions don't necessarily tell you about "how much" of the EB was killed by a particular player. This hidden component is exemplified by the plunder bonus at the end of a concluded EB, which essentially is a reward for the spy actions that don't give cash during the EB. That's my two cents. Thanks!
  7. I'm aware of the game mechs, Lorm, thanks. My point is it's resulted in an unfair advantage to spy builds. Promos aren't about builds. Yet they've partially become that way because attack builds are disadvantaged from the beginning. Base it on activity. The complexities of the game mechs aren't what it's about. Promos should be about activity.
  8. Same here
  9. Look at histories of regular ebs, Figure. There's a difference. I know from discussing this with people with attack and spy accounts that there is a clear difference.
  10. So hansels sacrifice cs, pay more for their HL and get slightly better drops.

    IMO it's not fair that you can have 70m sdt AND decent attack stats whereas I can only get to about 66m spy Att and defence, address this blatant abuse of spy defence towers please as its stopping my farming.
  11. Fair enough points, Rio, but not the point of my thread. I was just interested in making the promos fair. Feel free to discuss that on your own thread. 
  12. IMO drops should be based on activity* Cs. Equal level players with different levels of activity should receive different rewards. New players shouldn't be able to attain top tier equip. And an experienced player shouldn't have a problem reaching atLeast midrange reward tiers.
    With that said I understand spy builds take longer and deserve compensation (Arguably, ofcourse). I don't see a reason spy stats should be weighted heavier in the first place. If 10mcs spy is the same as 12mcs attack(Numbers not to scale; For arguments sake), then why not make them both 12mcs? <Honest question. Answer it if you can enlighten me. 
  13. Interesting input, Tridos. But my thread isn't concerned with why CS is the way it is...
    I'd just like to see a more level 'playing field' for all builds in the promos. Perhaps it would encourage people to be more active if it was based on activity.
  14. The drop rate of the event item does not determine incentive, the rewards do. It's why players push for a certain reward tier.

    Again, each build has its slight advantages and disadvantages. I've done every single Eb hunt since the halloween fang hunt two years ago, nothing significant has changed between builds and I don't believe spy builds or hybrids have a dramatic advantage as you claim.

    The only advantage present in events is to maximize event item drop per Eb. As many have said, last event 90 of each item was the max for a HTE. To meet that standard it required 2 xtals used or 126 actions total on an epic battle. I'm pretty sure everyone has the option to purchase xtals. Anyone who burned 2 xtals met the 90 threshold.

    The playing field is fair as it stands build wise. A notable difference is those who burn xtals daily for these events.
  15. Or 1 crux (100%)1 unload and a crystal also gets you max items.
  16. Yep, two complete unloads earned max event items on HTE or one entire pot phase which is about 250 actions rewarded you with the 90 event items.

    There is no difference among builds, activity and dedication are the sole factor. Otherwise you wouldn't see builds under 30m cs getting the 5,000 reward tier for event items. If builds made such a huge influence, size would be an easy indicator alas it's not.
  17. That's not guaranteed. I didn't get max drop on one of my HTEs when I did 2 unloads, 3 xtals, and closed items to myself. One of the drops was even under 80.
  18. I agree with your general point though crazy. Payouts should be based on activity output and not build type.
  19. That is definitely odd. :eek:

    Screenshot pls!
  20. As I've mentioned several times Chaos, promos should not be about builds. And I never said anything about CS. I'm also not interested with HTE drops cause naturally hitting B2B HTE results in better drops. We all know that.
    And actually the drop rate can determine incentive when it's drop rate that's effecting what rewards I'm getting. I can't reach the next tier (2.5k) but I see accounts doing it with ease, still hitting regular ebs. There is a difference. I've tracked it with clannies and discussed with those who have both attack and spy build accounts. They've noticed that it is easier for spy builds. I'm not asking for top tier rewards, everyone knows you need HTE for that. But please explain why less active accts should get better rewards in promos? It should be an activity based process. Activity still has a role naturally, but not to the extent it should.
    If it's 'not as dramatic as I claim'? How is it that I got 1.8k in last promo while a spy build clannie managed 3.8k? We hit the same ebs. We are both highly active accounts. My point is that promos should centre around activity and it shouldn't make a difference what build you are. But from what I have seen, it does make a difference.