Attack more favored? Whu Dub??

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Infam0us, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Ebs weren't in the original game. They were added in. Theres your answer.
  2. Hansels always say spies are better, until a attack build strips them ;)

    It's the best of both worlds, hansels don't dtw with gold out, attacking with troops causes the most gold loss, plus attack builds don't need pots when stripping their ass naked :p

    Hansels have a much harder time stripping a attack build as they need to fight though towers, usual 1.5 mil - 3mil def. Not forgetting the def pots attack builds have. Plus stealing loses a fraction of what hitting with troops.

    It's more your style of play really, lazy people generally go fod hansel cos it's less work involved. To be brilliant at a attack build you need total dedication. i.e. Hitting every 5 mins, having a upkeep on both spies and troops pots but if you do that you find kaw easy as a attack build.

    If you ever come across a hansel in pvp. The scout is your best weapon as spies is there only attack against you. But you need to be keeping them pinned to win so it comes down if you can be assed...
  3. I believe you are confusing Hansels with PS. Also Hansels and PS can have ADT to stop attacks...