Atlantric: Unknown Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Awesomely awesome
  2. Thx feather
  3. When your character is dreaming/having a vision
  4. Ah ok thx mystique
  5. Woohoo good reading! Update weekend from the ladies lol. Nice.

  6. Yep! I have exams next week sooo... Yeah 
  7. Aww that sucks. My last day is tomorrow =P

  8. Whoa, getting some romance going eh stora? That's ok I have a thing for bottomless pits . Great posts l, keep em coming.
  9. Thx Zaln! 

    @Seth Ty Hehe I hope u don't mind since I think I used the character u made. bottomless pits are really fun to write about, they go on and on and on and on and on and on...
  10. Btw srry guys, I'll get the rest of the chapter today. I'm I was too busy after posting yesterday.
  11. Haha, don't worry about it. But be warned I get to screw around with you char in endgame too 
  12. 8==>  Of approval 
  13. BX, ur disgusting.
  14. AHHH i can't write! my exams are too close! Srry guys! :(

    @Seth uh
    @Blitz i wish i was on my ipod...i can't see emoji...
  15. My exams are upon me
  16. He did this stora:

    8== followed by three hands > and 3 wet symbols
  17. Haha I'm done with those since last week. Only had to take one. Summer started today for me lol.

  18. Omg lol... My name is Drake and I look just like that!!!