Lol personally I don't care. Just bringing to light the obvious purchasing of good ratings. And no I don't have a dark secret :lol: everyone knows I play ALL the ata games. My names follow me Pimd: KrabbyPatty I'm lcbc <3 anyone else? KaW: you already know Meego: Patty_Town Perfect Drift: PrincessBacon I enjoy all the games and think they deserve ratings that they earn. Its a obvious bribe *in my opinion* PD deserves 3 stars.
what device are you on lol yea it lags a but on my s4 but it's not super laggy just every few min it starts to have a seizure
I've heard many illogical things on this game, and that rates up there with the best. Let's lie to balance out lies.. :roll:
Smash is only available on idevice for now. It was also recently released to the Australian market, in addition to NZ and Canada.
No wonder it went to Google instead of iOS. Bribing for ratings is against Apple's app store/developer agreement. I still wonder why KaW players are buying seals and nobs, when everyone complains about these dumb hunts. Your voice, which in this case, is your wallet, is telling ATA you enjoy these promo hunts and dont want PvP fixed.
Sorry, I'd rate Clash of Clans atleast 4 stars, as its not remotely required to pay2play at all. Everything in Clash is achievable without paying, and it makes more money than KaW.