ATA Tester Program

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Nothing said about age, so I would say, underage people can apply
  2. Yes, I know the difference.
  3. This is great can I help test this sharknado Eb
  4. I like to apply and will send results quickly with screenshots and detailed message. Let me know if I can be a tester please.
  5. I'll participate :)
  6. Sign me up
  7. I'm interested in testing
  8. How many lambs must we sacrifice for such honour
  9. Im interested in the tester program
  10. Can we get an achievement for being a tester?
  11. I'm signing up.
  12. I would love to be a tester. Please sign me up.
  13. I would love too!
  14. Support! I want to be a tester :) I hope I get the part! Ty ata
  15. Guys why do you have to ask for free stuff and perks? This is to help the developers improve the game. Something you've been whining about for two years solid at least. Don't you think actually improving the game is good enough? I do
  16. If it's at all possible, I'd be interested in testing
  17. There's a link in the OP to apply

    But since I see you're blind (don't know how you read the title, or typed), here's the link ... 4/viewform
  18. I'd be interested in being a tester. I played years ago
  19. THANK YOU! So glad we get the ability to try and help better the game!
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