ATA Tester Program

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Is there a certain time we have to do it? I mean I'm on every night but hardly get on during the day, will that effect the testing or????
  2. Would love to participate, but I forgot what the bar codes on my name are. Been playing for over 4 years, this is my second account as I no longer have access to my original account since I've forgotten the password, anyways, this is nice for the kawmunnity.
  3. currently perm silenced or perm silenced in the past?
  4. Quote yourself and copy and paste....
  5. I want to become a tester
  6. Both read through thread kaw com stats so :p
  7. kaw_community specifically said that even if your perm silence has been lifted, you cannot test the game if you have been perm silenced PERIOD.
  8. I forgot about that, thank you.
  9. I'd like to help test out your new ideas ️
  10. I'd definitely be interested D:
  11. I'm already working for our secret service, can't be a double agent
  12. I guess the tests take over at least a day, this being a world wide game, saying night and day wont help :lol:
  13. I've sent another application using this accounts history. please disregard my first entry as it was for my other account. thanks :lol:
  15. Again this can vary but tests usually take place over a period of 1-3 days and it's possible for there to be several tests in a row in some cases.
  16. Kaw_com, if I have been permanently silenced on one account but never been on an alternate account, can the alternate participate or does having my main account perm silenced affect my qualification all together?
  17. Ok....we'll I'm still up for it, already sent my application....I don't have send a resume do i? Lol
  18. Yup - looks like people who behaved like idiots in the past can't apply.

    *Applied* thanks God I'm not Terra
  19. Do we have to use that link that Seth_ posted to sign up?
  20. My lil worm told me ur testing new s5 system next Thursday 
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