ATA: Stop Hosing us you Hosers!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. @ chubby

    Because it makes more sense than hiding in a corner waiting for the next time ATA decides to screw us over.
  2. I love how everyone complains about every single aspect of these wars, yet every week everybody still wars.

    We all hate this game so much, but can't stop playing or spending money on it. Makes sense.
  3. You chose to mith up against your opponents...
  4. Despicable makes another point. KaWcaine! Too addictive! :p
  5. Despicable

    I can enjoy baseball but still object to steroid abuse, can't I? I don't want to run ATA out of business, I just want them to fix their .
  6. Lol my this thread is entertaining. 

    Personally with this battle with frog and Tvo, I would have to side with frog.

    There seems to be a contradiction going on here. First ATA says casting improves payout but at the same time they say there is a ceiling in awarded mith. In my book, they can't have it both ways and they should be clear about this.

    It is also highly illogical that frogs clan has to suffer because wilders decided to play dead. It is even more illogical to think that some of the losers in this war will make more mith than the winners. ATA should look into this and take action.
  7. I see what you are saying philosopher but didnt frog's clan win rancor levels which is the main reason why the clans are warring in first place.……
  8. Tv, so u dont war for mith? U only want rancor lvl? im sry but i want both.. i got my share of mith pay out but others lost mith by winning war...
  9. @Tvo

    I wouldn't generalize like that. Obviously wilders wasn't warring for Rancor levels. It also doesn't make much sense to say that "we are going to short-change your mith, but don't worry, you still get rancor". Obviously something is not working quite right here and asking (politely) for ATA to explain it is justified in my mind.
  10. @ philosopher. I agree, wilders inactivity wasnt fair which i tried pointing out to frog around page 2-3 was the reason of crap mith payout. He simply isnt listening. And the way he wrote this thread and called devs hosers isn't exactly a "polite" way of asking for explanation.
  11. @rise against

    One if the biggest myths of this game is the belief that the devs only read support emails and not the forums. Not true. ATA has got staff whose job is solely collect information gathered in the game forums.
  12. It would make more sense if no one in EE used mith, ever. If everyone runs it, the playing field is as even as if no one ran it. So why run it?

    KaW needs to come together and stop this vicious cycle!
  13. It's like that fat kid....

    He brings 2 cupcakes to a cupcake eating contest, and wins.

    PRIZE: They give him 3 free cupcakes, 2 rancor chocolate chip cookies, and a glass of milk.

    But the fat kid now wants to sue the judges because he's fat and wants more.

    SOLUTION: Go play PIMD. They have role playing.
  14. You sound like you speak from experience Willy. Are you a legendary cupcake eater, as well as a respectable KaW forumer?

    Words can't describe how much I envy you.
  15. @tvo

    Hmmm. While it may look like wilders are trying to exploit the system, there is very little you and I or anyone can do to prove they did actually exploit it, and the devs can't do anything without proof. What they CAN do is better compensate clans like phalanx who get stuck with the short end of the straw.

    As for politeness from frog, one can only dream.
  16. Can i be the fat kid with the cupcakes?!?!?
  17. I had to email the Devs after our win when our clan rank remained unchanged. There have been a few errors this weekend. Welcome to Season 2 
  18. Frog, stop being a little ***** that whines every time something doesn't go your way. You really think complaining on forums will help you? This **** makes people want to strip farm you. Stop bitching about everything. Play the ******* game, or ******* leave you little *****.
  19. Any things possible, Lovely. But the real challenge is fighting off Willy for the cupcakes.