ATA: Stop Hosing us you Hosers!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. @TVO: kaw admin said that ALL mith used is paid back. The rest of what you get is a tax based on actions.

    Frog is right in this.
  2. Frog. I have seen moose post in threads that casting more does not help. And from my experience testing casting more or less my profit has been consistent. The only time it did make a difference was when the devs paid double mith just before christmas during the first ee wars.

    Also your payout was probably hindered by the fact your opponents did not fight or cast mith. Which means they burned no attack pots or your def pots lowering the payout overall. Also your large build means the pot assigned to you buys less mith compared to a smaller one.
  3. Listen, you frog. Potions burnt, your potions burnt, and mithril casts count to the result. Not KOs or plunder. As you get 0 inc the whole war the 2nd most important factor fell away. You received a few mith only. Now stop spamming forums and enjoy your FREE 2 levels of Rancor.
  4. @ pumpkin

    Thanks. There are many cases where the devs have paid out less than what was put in. I say correct this or apologize for lying to us.
  5. @hawk

    Commenting on my own thread is not sing the forums. You see me posting somewhere else?
  6. No. But there are enough EE complain threads which makes this one spam. See it as the 4th AD in 5 min from one clan
  7. It is really annoying to have put up so much of effort in the war for two hours and getting such a small payout. A person in my clan had 200+ actions and was given such a crappy payout. Estoc wars are supposed to be different than the plunder wars. Its like the same payout you get from the old plunder wars!
  8. @ORGES

    Well Moose is Moose, but ATA has specifically said that mith used gets paid back with return. Obviously they lied to us. I say those hosers owe us an apology.
  9. Frog has a resin to complain, 2 wins and his clan rating stats the same, wasting all that time and only profits like 12 mith. The devs need to quits being so ******* lazy and fix a few things. The majority of people who e war including myself agree they are boring as **** but the devs are too lazy to give us different types of wars to choose from
  10. Well have fun trying to accomplish your dream. I say: accept it as it is or quit EE wars.
  11. @ HAWKs

    Why are there so many complaint threads? It's because ATA is doing a piss-poor job, that's why. If they started getting their asses in gear perhaps there will be less complaining.

    What surprises me is all these people who think ATA can do no hard and are some dirt of angels or something. These guys are businessmen. There No1 objective is to suck as much cash out of us while giving the bare minimum back in return.
  12. @ pumpkin. Nme color spells and ally hiding spells do dont increase mith payout profit. Thy do increase payout if you win. But iys just simply returned mith for mith you used on them. This has been mentioned multiple times.
    @frog, amount of mith you gt does depend on number of successful actions. But there is limited amount of mith available overall for winning clan. Thr amount of mith you will get wont be constant but it will be more then ur clannies who got less successful actions.
  13. Frog should be upset.. We warred like we was suppose to.. Other clan jus sat there and they get more than some at phalanx.. some as low as only getting 2 more than wat they cast! Jus dont make since is all...
  14. @ lovely. Thats not devs fault. Its fault of people u warred against. U should have just continued inc on them till they failed vanished paladin eb for wasting your time
  15. About the prestige rank:
    As stated by kaw_admin, they are using the ELO system for the ranking system. If you play chess you'll know what is it. If not, google it. In poor words: you have to beat someone with higher prestige rank in order to have your rank augmented.
    Now, is the ELO system good for Estoc wars? Imho it's a complete bs using that system in this context. But that's a devs choice.
  16. Take off you hoser, eh
  17. @TVo

    A limited amount of mith available for the winning clan? Well, who came up with that stupid idea? The same idiot hoser who decided that gh deserve twice as much mith as hitters do?

    If the system is broken, fix it, I say. Don't sit around defending a bunch of fat millionaire hosers who are playing us for fools.
  18. Maybe we can bribe the devs with a jelly donut.. "I only got one left, it's a jelly."
  19. No, those clans should have their members banned from KaW for exploits.