ATA: Stop Hosing us you Hosers!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Derogatory comments about Canadians? Lighten up mate. Hosers call each other hosers all the time.
  2. Devs like to keep their little secrets about how they put mith. Simply stated, any system where the winning team members get back less mith than they cast is a screwed up system.
  3. Rage is overwhelming 
  4. U made 9 profit? Did I see the word profit?
  5. Hey look...Frog is crying in forums again.

    It must be one of those days that end in "Y"
  6. Frog congratz you are the biggest noob i have stumbled upon yet. Keep raging. Your fault for being a dummy
  7. Lol says the ATA ass kisser with 8000 actions.
  8. Just finished smoking my maple syrup, man is that stuff good, I think that you are over reacting. Kingdoms at war, has maybe<I'm guessing> 15workers. Now this game has how many members? Stop your god damn bitching, and just play the god damn game, without devs you wouldn't have no mith or kaw. frankly I find it sad, that you are so pathetic and never leave your basement and yet you ***** at the devs, stop bitching at the devs, they are doing their job, you do yours. Play the god damn game and stop bitching!
  9. What does hoser even mean?
  10. Frog its not about actions you silly noob its about actual knowledge of the game. Do you really think this is my first account??? Use common sense and read my previous response on page 2. Where the hell do you think mith comes from? From thin air? Its converted from all actions, mith, and pots ueed in the war.
  11. @ silver

    9 profit for a two hour war is a joke. Put it this way, we could have laid down and died and Made more by doing the paladin EB instead.

    Of course I could have sat back and took this result up the rear, but I ain't a spineless twit. I'm a paying customer that expects decent service from the company I employ.
  12. @frog~ you are not a paying customer, you are a frigin *****, simple. You ***** and cry because you only made 9mith profit. Guess what I did a two hour war, and didn't even get mith, you didn't see me bitching️️️️
  13. Oh wow, inferno u have a potty mouth... maybe u need to go to church and rince it out with holy water..
  14. @lovely I do go to church
  15. So, your telling me since I warred my best and my opponent didn't, I get the **** end of the stick?
  16. @aj~ life ain't always fair.
  17. @Tvo

    Yes, I know there is some nerdy secret formula that the devs use to award mith. But guess what? It's broken mate.

    So the mith rewards are nothing to do with successful actions? Well, what kind of idiot hoser came up with that idea? What the hell is it based on? The number of times I had to take a leak during the war? I call for transparency. At the very least I want ATA to stop saying that more mith cast leads to more earned. This is an obvious lie.

    PS. Oh? So you have a main do you? Too bad you don't have the balls to post with it on the forums. Noob alts get no respect in this game.
  18. But, your stupidity is. 
  19. It's what the frog says.