ATA needs to change their game NOW.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by catschrodinger, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Get out.
  2. Except the "buying" advice. And remember, this is a "social game" too... What's more fun in here is having friends and grow with them :) not having money and growing alone.
  3. No one is going to give you advice...EVER...about what to buy in this game because there's always a down side in spending on an app.

    Everything else though I do agree with you.

    And if you do give advice on what to buy, then you need Jeebus.
  4. I play pay games to win.
  5. Yes they do, lots of people buy 90 deals a day

  6. Do you even seal 90 times daily bruh?!
  7. Support to fire devs, unless change the s5 rewards to the new one suggested in forums
  8. I used to think op was smart. Then I saw him in forums. Tbh Jackson, nothing you say here matters. The developers don't care what you say. The people in charge don't care. A long time ago kaw had ads that played at random times to make money. Now they encourage people to pay for goods to make their money. They can't appease everyone. You think you can do it better? Good luck you ignorant fool.

  9. Daaaaaaaaang!!!!!
    Totally not required in this situation!
    Oh the Jeebus is not please with you
  10. Glad I'm atheist. And I can't wait to continue my 1v1 with op
  11. I like vanilla
  12. Name one company that doesn't listen to customer feedback in the top Fortune 500.

    This is not quite that level maybe. But even the local corner shop uses customer feedback to help the determine stock and pricing policy.

    Constructive discussion with developers would be a superb way to let us know what their plans are for the game.
    To discuss changes, and perhaps even accept in some situations trialling consumer ideas may be a good idea.

    The most depressing part of forums is that even when an excellent idea is posted the devs ignore it and don't even say whether they would like to aim for similar with their usual flare, or that it cannot be implemented due to conflicting with whatever.
    As such we have this attitude that players who try to suggest things are actually perceived to be ( not my words ) morons.
    It's a social app devs.
    We don't mind paying for that service.
    But the game side being forced by excessive growth and events is disheartening.
    As I have said before. I spent more when it was more social.
    That's where kaws strength was. And still is.
    And it's where and why you need to communicate more often.
    Even if just weekly updates on what's happening in kaw planning stages.
    And ignore the trolls. You know they will never give up. But neither should you turn your back on the community.
  13. Wait, but if they stay right below that CS line and just keep on saving up gold in bronze bars since they get that bonus then won't the eventually just sell all the bronze bars and just have exponential growth due to all the bronze bars that were saved up from the bonus plunder that they had when they were just under that 2m CS stat line?
  14. No offence dude and if you have a main then I am sorry but how could you know how ATA "NEEDS" to change when you don't even have a 1 year badge, my main has a four year badge and even I don't feel in place to judge what the devs are doing and some of your ideas are no offence frankly ridiculous with loads of loopholes that can easily be exploited it's fine how it is at the moment, it really angers me to see people who don't even have a 1 or 2 year badge to make comments like this I mean you have hardly experienced this game
  15. 007
    Doesn't it actually make a lot of sense for a new player to say what they don't find appealing about the game?
    They are fresh blood and have fresh perspective as to what interests them.
    Yes not all ideas are good. But better or worse feedback helps the devs to determine the feel for the player base. And how they can either make the game more appealing ( thus prolonging the life of kaw ) or if they think it should stay as it is.
    Having been here 3 years I have seen a lot of change, some good. Some especially with hindsight not so good.
    But certainly everyone has a right to their say.
  16. That caught my attention. :lol:
  17. I dont buy fine... And also, kaw isnt dying 
  18. The people who complain, don't realize that kaw has been around for years, the players on the LB and the larger players have put their time in. It's a game of patience and persistence, nothing more.
    Those complaining, enter the game a year ago and complain they aren't huge, that they don't have a chance of getting on the LB, unless they spend mass amounts of cash... Rightfully so. If some new 6 month old player started kaw and had chance at the LB , how would the 4 year players with very large accounts feel?
    You want to make it to the top, bust out your wallet. If you're flipping burgers for a living and reside in your mother's basement, you too can have a shot at the LB.
    But in reality, you've gotta have disposable income, and those who want mutual equality are nothing more than socialistic minded dems who want everyone to be the same... Not going to happen. Would never be fair to those who've been around playing, tapping and wearing out their thumbs for hundreds of thousands of hits.

    All the complaints are for those too lazy or not persistent enough to log on every hour and hit. Same complaint every time... Inactive players.
    Hell, I've been in the middle of interviewing people for a job position and dumping my troops. High activity levels and consistency get you there with growth. You want wars, do them. There's tons of new players starting every day. There needs to be a very specific user manual, step by step and easy to pull up for quick start guides.
    It's a well matured game, with a very loyal user base and following. Everyone has a chance. Bust out your wallet if you want to be huge.
  19. Please wake me up when there is something NEW and constructive posted on the forums.

    Those old complains just being repetitive - op you should search for 1000s other similar threads and add your tears there instead of creating a new one.
  20. BUY ME