ATA is the next EA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Devil-__-Kyoto__JK-__-Devil, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. ATA makes chicken change compared to EA. It's like comparing roni to Kim Kardashian.
  2. Wait. Are you suggesting that this company ATA is consistently coming up with new ways to make a profit? So they entice people to try a free game and then put features in the game that can enhance your gaming experience but would require you to spend real money although optional? This is absurd. If I was leading this company I would fire them all. The nerve of some companies/employees these days :(
  3. Touche
  4. The only bit in your post that rings a warning bell is the max plunder for noobs. Yes I think that needs looking at. The rest is tosh
  5. Of course they don't care about you.. The world is a harsh place and to complain publicly that some video company doesn't care about you makes you look naive and foolish
  6. First, thank you for actually using proper grammar. That's rare around these parts...

    Second, no. ATA may care about money (and I'm all for that. They're a business.), but who pays them? We do. And very few people I know are religiously buying seals and xtals. Also, keep in mind that they don't get 100% of it. Majority of it goes back into the game.

    Think about it, OP.
  7. I don't think you understand the correlation between customer satisfaction and customer willingness to make purchases.
  8. Uhm excuse me; lord of the rings conquest was like the best game to ever exist. Bye.
  9. I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure the servers have been shut down for that game due to EA?
  10. Sorry but EA/DICE is coming out with Star Wars: BattleFront 3.

    Your argument is now invalid (even if some or most of it is true).
  11. And there is the noob in his natural habitat.
  12. True but ... Rip 