At WiT and WiG and -ignite- r trained to war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Melissa-Honeybee (01), Jun 7, 2012.

  1. lol!! holy guacamole!!I needed this today lol
  2. Well guys and gals, that's what you get for making a mother pissed :)

    To my dearest iG girly squad, hold the clan well ok, don't fall before I get bored and jump in!

    Happu KAWing all
  3. Prove it. You cant make these accusations without solid hard proof and who really accepts random war invites anyway? Pretty much nobody apart from these crazy ass noobs that think they cant loose its just not possibsle.
  4. Can a mod please forum ban her?
  5. Chicken

    I think mods are too busy laughing.
    Also Moose is generally the locker and he's in PE who's fighting iG.
  6. There's no way Melissa is a mother or even an adult for that matter. Just a butthurt little girl that like to run her mouth about things that really dont matter
  7. Melissa, please grow so I can strip farm you :)
  8. Mods can't lock it, it doesn't break any rules and is not spam, although I'm sure it'll disappear soon. These threads always do
  9. Excuse my French -

    Wait for it....

    Wait for it....

    Down there 

    You self contradictive, obnoxious ******* self centred little ****.

    Farmers lurk in war and hit a few times? Who the **** are you to pass judgement on any farmer? You who has to post threads day in day out with your pathetic stupid self proclamations about a dying war clan (iG) and a pure evil - a clan that you attempt to paint white, when really. They ain't.

    You need to pull up your pants, turn around and smell the ******* whisky dear. You can't keep going around annoying everyone. You'll taint your pathetic crusade and have more haters then Internet lovers.

    Btw. Yes, you pissed me off. Care to push me more?..
  10. Holy crap 10 million that's loads :roll: btw it wasn't you who bought his allies :devil:
  11. @iamfunny * :evil:
  12. You took 10 whole mil!!! Omg.. Omg.... Ignite should go run and hide in a hole from your incredible ummm.... Ferociousness?? Hahahahaha. Lol really? Are you being serious? Melissa ppl are getting sick of you and your sick obsession with the iG family. I'm pretty sure even iG haters think you are pathetic. So do yourself a favor, and stop posting forums. You are further disgracing yourself and your "daughter". Ty 
  13. (I don't like mellisa)
  14. Hot damn. If I got stripped of 10m I think I'd quit kaw right there. No sense in continuing. Nearly impossible to recover from a strip like that. Oh but what's that? Oh, no way?? But darth, you've recovered from a several hundred billion strip?? Impossible. Oh why yes vader, you see it's quite a simple concept. Someone takes your gold, you steal it right back. Screw any farming rules.

    Now about iG subclans.... Melissa, were you dropped on your head as a child?? Cause wow. I used to be part of WiT. Apparently you were never in their clan during a war. All cc was was Inc and outgoing hits. No other talk. War there is like a well oiled machine. It runs smoothly. The owner and admins direct strips and we made damn sure we got every ounce of gold the person had.

    So Melissa, in conclusion, just shut the hell up. You're a worthless piece of **** kingdom that can't do Jack. Just give up now and quit kaw. You'd be doing everyone a favor by ridding us all of your damn presence.
  15. 
  16. @foxey's second comment

    @foxey's first
    She was quoting a ig member on robtastic's leaving thread although I think I'd be right in saying it was slightly exaggerated (no sarcasm
  17. Love ya teesa. :) missed you darling. Just thought I'd give my two cents to this ***** Melissa. Seriously, iG is going to need a restraining order on Melissa. Lol
  18. Well Ty very much, pffff I think all of kaw needs a restraining order on Melissa. Btw Melissa, eb noobs?? Spend one day in ignite when we have a clan target and just try to hit the eb. Hahaha it's an instant kick.
  19. A whole 10 mil? All of it? The horror.