At WiT and WiG and -ignite- r trained to war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Melissa-Honeybee (01), Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Oh good. You're back :roll: 
  2. With those stats she is not warring iG...
  3. Maybe a warrior cat
  4. I agree with couchman
  5. Any comments Vlad hun I see you reading here :p
  6. Oh god another thread
  7. Spy? Speak English please. Your incoherent ramblings are getting old.
  8. Melissa, all of those clans are subclans of iG. They aren't supposed to be good, the just need to be trained and ready for iG. Attacking iG's subclans is a cowardly form of war.

    By the way get a life Melissa.
  9. Or some hittable stats...
  10. Re: At WiT and WiG and -ignite- r trained to war lol

  11. Okay another thread about this is kind of pointless and if you are not involved and just on the sidelines shut up
  12. I think it's funny as **** 

    Why is trash talking bad on a war game?! 
  13. You should stop breathing in the bubbles that come to the surface of my bathwater.
  14. Hey miss B stop licking thebus windowsThe cleaner they use is making u delusional ohh n I found ur special helmet. 
  15. Blood for iG family
  16. Dunno who to support ...
  17. Bring on the drama
  18. Yay, Melissa's back 
  19. Shhhh.... Don't tell anyone......

    I'm on no-one's side  :| :lol: