ASW Inactives List

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Cruz, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Do you have proof ppl with zero actions did nothing? They might have been pinned from the start and failed all actions.
  2. Amigos I read through the thread. DivineLu I enjoyed your comments. WarValor-makes sense. Santa/ Satan (sometimes I confused your spellings ) nevertheless, amigos we are talking badges not equipment. It's a button. It would be nice if all were active but that is the risk/ reward of participating in such a large war. I enjoyed warring with some of the best in the game. Friend or foe I had a blast doing the largest EE war ever. See you amigos next year! ⭐️Iñigo ⭐️ P.S. ⭐️Nobodu is an ASW Rock Star⭐️You should wall him to congratulate him 
  3.  Pinkys
  4. This list is hard on some of the smaller players I for one was hitting after 1 minute into the round and couldn't get a successful action for nearly half an hour until someone walled me about being inactive so instead of hitting the bigger players and draining there troops to enable our big boys to do damage I changed tactics and hit the smaller players (which were still quite big) to get my successful actions up. I do believe others may have been in the same position. My initial belief was for me to help my clan win and not care about myself or making gold. So please take this list with a grain of salt
  5. Lol I can't believe it won't let you write hard. On
  6. You forgot that Minoan was inactive till the end when they xstals to cover up inactivity
  7. doesn't showing a list of inactive people that shows some to have performed actions contradict itself? I'm not a scientist, but that logic seems invalid. not everyone is on this 24/7, most of us work and do what we can in such situations. this thread comes off as pretty judgemental and spiteful. j/s
  8. But they all had under 50 actions which isn't even an unload. So they obviously weren't waring
  9. You are all idiots... If you read cas handi I think it may shed some light.
  10. Many Events are to sell Xtalls.
    Are These actions only sucessfull actions?
    Are the Winner from ASW 2014 really the best warriors in KaW? I believe not.
    EE Events are nice to have,but OSW During many month Show only who are the really warriors.
    The best 10k buy 6x Xtall to get a Archivment? Nice Profit the Ferengi would day..
    When the work Call,the game is only the second Part in life.
    And truly warriors you find in OSW,and not in feather Events or EE Wars or ASW.
    If iam wrong,Please delete no hire allies in Banner before you yoin EE to be a EE Hero.
  11. Strawb3rry