ASW Inactives List

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Cruz, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Nice thread mate! I would recommend that you Change the colours of green wyverns cyan giants and yellow hornets.
  2. Thanks! I've tried changing the colors, but it seems to not want to update properly.
  3. Inactive no badge , so it's fair for those who are participate in the war 
  4. You're all crying for badges? Really?? Honestly????
  5. Ok to clear a few things up with this thread.

    War times were bad enough for my time zone along being sick over the weekend *currently still am*, this affected my sleeping patterns during the war plus wasn't able to purchase crystals within the week due to a few issues irl.

    I was of course upset knowing that I got ill over the weekend as I was hyped to war along with some awesome warriors, but can't do anything if you get ill tho.

    Anyways those clans that fought in this ASW respect for all those ✌️ Hopefully next year I'll be more prepared.
  6. Have y'all think that maybe the inactives just have more interesting real lives than you???
  7. Please excuse me for being inactive during asw because of real life emergency 20 min before war started mainly to grey wolves I truly am sorry
  8. Many may have had real life issues that is to be expected. Real life always comes before a game of course. However, when you do not contribute to your team or are the reason your team may have lost then you do not deserve a reward. This thread isn't to shame the inactives they did that enough to their teams. This is to show they do not deserve any rewards point blank.
  9. So you expect a 100% participation rate?
  10. I expect the people to sign up to be active for the most part yes otherwise do your team and not sign up. 100% all six hours no, but more than even 4 yes I do.
  11. Seeing as how there is nothing of a required amount of activity (or activity you can see, i.e., successful actions) in the devs post regarding ASW's, there is no grounds for withholding anything based on that.

    This is the equivalent of signing up for an ee war, complaining someone didn't get the number of actions you wanted them to, then petitioning the devs to not give them the mith they earned. Earned because mith distribution, as with ASW badge distribution, is based on rules put out by the devs before the event takes place.
  12. It's a game.

    Crap happens.

    All sides had inactives.

    If you are really that mad at them, organize a strip.

    Otherwise, get over it.
  13. Satan, by that comment it seems that the people with 0 actions deserved the mith they was rewarded for doing absolutely nothing. For some of the people with 40 or so actions and earned 2 bill or whatever I can see the argument. But you cannot say the people who had no hits what so ever deserve anything.
  14. I have no resentment towards any of them. Many people were asking for a list, so I decided to make it. This way people can see why certain results happened in certain wars, and why the team they thought would win may have had some struggles.
  15. Again apologies to grey wolves and if DEVS want to not give me anything for signing up I'm willing to give up undeserved badge or mith I truly am sorry for real life emergency and not being active and do not blame anyone for my inactivity to be angry frankly I'm embarrassed 
  16. No Badges For These Players
  17. Just kinda rude to sign up and hope others will carry the load for you.

    The exact reason I didn't sign up is because I could not be 100% active in all three wars.
  18. Looks like hobo_with_a_shotgun was inactive in every single round
  19. Good job BigGoofyShawn you made blue wolves list all 3 times
  20. What's the point in making a inactive list? Asw isn't a recruitment by players so you can't deny them. And the next one isn't for a long time. No point