ASW Inactives List

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Cruz, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. I also want to bring to attention the mod eagle he was surely inactive a large portion of the entire weekend, and was even the clan rep. This was brought to my attention and definitely is disappointing
  2. Wasnt he stripped? This what I heard lmao
  3. What the **** is that ******* dick ********?!? Farm those fagits !
  4. I'm surprised Eagle went into the asw considering his timezone. In fact I see a few of the in actives were from the Aus/Asia region. Who the hell wants to get up at 1am to war?
  5. I agree Mossy, but they should have not signed up if they knew they would probably fall asleep. Hopefully next ASW will be as fun as this one.
  6.  I was up till 5am for the first war and there was many who was up even later than that. I'm pretty sure many was lack of sleep or didn't sleep at all by the second war
  7. Hopefully next ASW will be on at times to suit those regions of the world that miss out regularly :)
  8. Hopefully they do give more time in advance, but also the member on the Pink Krakens that was suspended should not have been able to be hit the second round.
  9. Yes C0ML3Y but round one finished on a Saturday. If you were a kiwi (for example) and you were in the final you would have had to war from 1am to 7am on Monday morning.
  10. If I ever make it to ASW I'll make sure to go in active just to make you pathetic basement dwellers angry
  11. Swag I'll treat you as an infant since you have the mindset of one. Please go back to whatever useless thing you were doing, and quit commenting.
  12. Support for no badge for inactives
  13. We'll look for you in the 2024 ASW then Swag. 

    On a serious note, Lu has it right on. Make a permanent badge that shows inactivity and stays readily visible. Only one way to have it removed and that's by resetting.
  14. Support for the badge of shame
  15. Support. If they didn't put in the effort, they don't deserve the reward.
  16. If there's a regional war, then pretty much NOT an all stars war.
    No support for attempting to embarrass anyone with a badge. There are those with legit reasons and no one is in a position to hear all the excuses and play judge or jury. Just don't give inactives or non xtallers awards.
    Anyone can win a scout, no reason for few actions
  17. So was this an All Star War? It pretty much ruled out NZ, AUS and Asia with the semi finals and final times.
  18. I would be weary of arbitrarily calling anyone with a certain amount of actions inactive... true there way too many total inactives, but some had poor builds for ee style war - but were quite active and still absorbing hits. Additionally some didn't fully xtal, and i have mixed feelings about that. This was a special event for ranked players which includes many players that aren't suited for ee style war, but have great value in kaw. In keeping with that spirit, I won't hold it against a player for participating just because of their build or lack of xtals in a free game.

    Some hansels that were decimated would be included in that group, and its not their fault they were targeted and sat on. I know of a few that played well; wasted their troops to not leak and soaked up a huge amount of spies to keep them down. That is as much a contribution as towered players tanking hits, which isn't reflected in plunder or successful actions counted - but still counts.

    That being said, nothing will save the truly inactive from my wrath - the clans know who their true inactives were, and they should be the one's to nominate their own badges of shame. It is inexcusable to sign up for an event, make a committment to a team, and then completely let them down by not showing up at all.
  19. I agree they are many circumstances that come into to play at this point. However, people should know whether their builds are ready for an ASW or not. That being said they still have the right to play because they chose their build they thought fit them. All signed up knowing they would probably need 6 xtalls and if they knew they only had one or two for the entire weekend they should have thought differently about hurting others chances.
  20. Santa not many people are pathetic enough to spend their small pay check on crystals on a free app. Instead of hounding the players that aren't pathetic enough to pay for crystals hound yourself for being a beta fedora stylist and spending money on crystals for a virtual war top lel.