ASW Inactive List - Uncalled for

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Soy_Doll, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. I disagree, they all signed up for it, and didn't participate. It's there fault some teams lost and should be made an example of. The dates were all pre planned and times posted. If they couldn't make the schedule they should of stayed out of it. GJ KAW Admin.
  2. If the person didn't participate on purpose, I can understand. But if something happened to them, and we are all humans (unless you guys are disguised. :eek: ) so of course things will happen. Things are unexpected.
  3. @Sasha

    Yes, real life happens, but there can't have been that many scenarios to cover all of the inactives. There can't have been that many "emergencies." Every single inactive deserves to be punished, regardless of their "situation." Even if they did have a situation, they still robbed other wanting players of the honor to participate.
  4. Totally onside with the list. I get that real life does happen, and maybe it is your excuse - either way the list will make people reconsider signing up for a war they cant commit to in fear of showing up on "the list." I think the list should be an annual part of the ASW's.
  5. Regardless of what happened they dont deserve a reward
  6. I can't believe I'm agreeing with belle, and she didn't hate on u soy, just said ur an idiot.
  7. So that my opinion is clear: I don't support farming those members of the list because some people was inactive for reasons beyond their control. That said, I have no problem publicly calling out people that joined an all star war just to get free inferno, aqua an mith.

    On a side note, I'm pissed that I lost a lot of that all star inferno from my bracers resetting  and then trying to level it back up. 
  8. 1. Soy is a NUB
    2. No, it is not clan's job to pin inactivesclan's job is to make plunder
    3. Why sign up for 8hrs!!!! war if u cant be active and make other 199 people suffer and sacrifice their plunder on pinning a nub like u?!
    4. See #1
  9. Soy dtw
  10. can i know where the list is? cant find it, i wanna let off some steam on inactives in death. 
  11.  inactive farm list
  12. @z question feedback section. It's stickied.
  13. Shut your mouth op. they should be publicly tarred and feathered. Don't join a war and go inactive for a shiny achievement you didn't earn.
  14. **** that

    Let it be known who wasted spots and threw the war

    They deserve everything they get

    With the few exceptions of people who tried to leave or irl circumstances
  15. I can't believe harbringers of war had so many inactives, was just terrible.
  16. Sorry people, but I'm giving support to the OP.

    I'm a little tired of all these but hurt people crying that they lost and blaming other people for it. What clan didn't have leakers? I hope everyone realizes that if everyone turtled and nobody leaked then there would be no way to win in the first place. Leakers are what make dull turtle wars interesting in the first place..

    @bellemorte. "This post has a serous level of stupid beyond the moronic"?

    Seriously? Butt hurt much? Let's grow up a bit. Work on your leadership so you can beat Wulf next time instead of crying about leakers.

    @ FireStar
    How do I propose you make plunder? How about this? Stop pinning your clanmate and find a leaker on the other side. That's how you make plunder. Please are too worried about leaking that they for get to hit. It's a war game gosh darn it. Hit already.

    @ troublemaker

    Sorry but you're dtw too. 
  17. If they had a legitimate, unplanned for reason for being inactive, fine.

    If they were inactive due to sleep, prior plans, just wanting to achieve, farm them.

    If this were a forced roster war, (meaning people didn't voluntarily sign up) then I can see the argument "Pin them during the war" against their clan mates. They should have been pinned anyway, but their clan mates should not have had to.

    As such, this was not the case. They signed up for the war, and should have been fully dedicated to it. There were obviously tons of players who would have loved to be in it and would have been active for the entirety of all 3 wars.

    The "Wall of Shame" is a punishment, and at the same time a deterrent for anybody who might think about trying this next year.
  18. Public humiliation eh?
  19. @ Frog - yes all clans had leakers, but I'd direct you to the public tarring thread posted by KaW admin to observe the imbalance. Some clans had over 30 inactives, others only 5-10... I lost first round, am I butt sore? No, it was RNG as to which eb monkeys we got pooled with and I'm comfortable with my participation and so are my clan mates.

    What pisses me off is the people who made it impossible to war properly, doomed a clan to lose off the hop and expected a reward for lack of participation while other willing participants sat at the wayside and watched leakfest 2012.

    Let this be a lesson to you aspiring 2013 ASW applicants: you will be shamed, you will be outed and possibly farmed for your idiocy. Do some homework, research how to war or don't show up, go hit Apheriun because you don't personify an "All-star" member of KaW.

    This isn't kingdom of tickles or kingdom of cuddles, it's kingdoms at war.
  20. The inactive list for harbringers of death is less then i expected, im pinning people outside that list. 