ASW Inactive List - Uncalled for

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Soy_Doll, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. "if you have amember leaking it's your job to pin them"? Are you joking? Really don't make me laugh.

    Why on earth should we spend 8hrs pinning someone who didn't bother coming online?
  2. Soy, those players are freeloaders. They came only for rewards. They should instead get farmed.
  3. Hahahah orb. No need to suck up to sniper. There will always be someone bigger to farm him ;)
  4. I think it is right and just. Let it serve as a warning for future events. You just want the gucci badge and not work, then you will pay to play.
  5. KaW_admin did that to give us target practice  lol.

    Seriously: I think the people on that list should be ashamed of themselves. You join to war or you stay the **** out. It's that damn simple.
  6. What rewards ? They didn't get rewards, THAT'S THE POINT. But to go further and humiliate them by posting their names ?!?! -smh-
  7. @Panic, i agree pinning them for a while is one thing but to pin them for the length of a war? You might as well be on the opposing team
  8. Soy, just because you don't know how to war, doesn't mean he doesn't. He wouldn't care and he wouldn't be inactive in the first place.
  9. Soy, they expected rewards. So instead of just not giving them rewards, players went their way to farm those who kept those players from using the troops/spies on the opponent. They expect their clan mates to pin them. Expect them to war without them. Expect them to be fine with them being a dead weight.

  10. Soy, they signed up expecting rewards, only reason they're not getting any is because they did noting in the way.
  11. Well panic....that's why u lose a war. Where's the teamwork? Someone leaking = more plunder for the opponent. But oh well.....guess losing isn't such a bad thing >.>
  12. Lol orb. Keep talking noob
  13. Soy, if you were forced to constantly pin 3 people by yourself because they were inactive? This is the wall of shame. They are the players who do not deserve rewards. They expected to be carried. They did not participate. They were wrong.
  14. Some of us put a lot of effort into these system wars. Those that mess it up deserve to get called out
  15. Tbh

    I waited at the door for 2h the clan wasn't full. They let others in on the list that we're on the proper roster. That's cool.

    But then I find out these people weren't even active? That ticks me off. So I'm glad I can see who took up a place I could have used and been active in. It's the best BL around. God knows they keep do much gold out.

    Soy you are wrong on most aspect of this thread.
    /awaits "noob this lol war strategy noob lol"

    Any issues in my newsfeed. Unless your going to be inactive for another 8h

  16. Ok ok. Call them out. But I think farming is going way too far. Plus, karma isn't a friend to anyone ;) I said my peace. Happy kawing :]
  17. @soy- this post has a serious level of stupid beyond the average moronic forum thread.

    First, it was pretty blatantly obvious if you just look at the war history who was a leech.

    Second, the list was published for community feedback/to check for errors/so admins could vouch for any accounts that were active

    Third, why shouldn't they be posted up? So- you screwed up the war and should receive no retribution for it in a WAR game?

    Fourth, you can only pin a player 5 out of 15 minutes

    Fifth, we couldn't kick at all first round. And not till halfway point the second and third.

    Sixth- the "all-star" players should NOT have to be pinned by their own clan mates because they decided to sleep through the war. They should have respectfully bowed out if they couldn't be active.

    So- if players get farmed because they were worthless noobs, welcome to Kingdoms at WAR op
  18. As was stated in kaws thread, they made the list public so anyone who felt like they shouldn't be included on it, can take appropriate action in getting themselves removed from it. (if warranted).

    It was a hell of a lot easier doing it the way they did, rather than pm-ing everyone who they thought were inactive.

    Besides, who cares if those inactives are publicly humiliated? There were plenty of players that would have actually warred rather than do absolutely nothing. I don't feel sorry for anyone that is on that list. You're not going to war, don't ******* sign up. Let someone else who will give 120% take your place.
  19. Is it main gettin farméd coz they were in active