ASW Announcement

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. Just popped back on to check if the devs replied at all to the player outrage. Imagine my shock to see they just don't give a šŸ’©. Good luck to those keeping any hope that this game is officially on it's way into the trashbin.
    SoloKill likes this.
  2. It makes me extremely upset that they really don't give a **** the ASW IS LIKE THE SUPER BOWL FOR US OR THE WORLD CUP OR WORLD SERIES how you going to cancel it? Dessert must really hate money or they are a bunch of Morons either way they are killing what used to be best game. THANKS DEVS FOR NOTTA
    xWarRocketAJAXx likes this.
  3. I can see why.. This year it was going to be a competition of who unbanks more after round 1. Last year it was only 1-2 that did it, but this time around the number would have been much higher and the community outrage in that case would have been insane so they chose to scrap it all together. (You canā€™t block half the ally market for 3 days so please donā€™t suggest that dumb idea) I find it amusing to see people rage quitting over ASW as thereā€™s very good chance that your war would be fated on match up due to the outdated algorithm.. So surely ASW canā€™t be the only reason you were playing kaw? If it was, then youā€™re a fool as simple as that. I havenā€™t seen half the people who are getting mad in wc and forums in EE. So if regular EE isnā€™t fun or worth your time, Why is scrapping of ASW that much of a big deal?šŸ˜‚
  4. Agreed. Bring the ASW back.
  5. Yup because they know that the same core group will continue spending $ on this game regardless of what they do. They already have their money-making formula. They couldnā€™t be bothered to give two flying Fā€™s about anything else. This is definitely endgame content. Albeit not the endgame players wouldā€™ve wanted. Oh, how fittingā€¦.
    DE___BobDole420___DE likes this.
  6. Sadly Kalthrac I agree with all you wrote. With the cross platform event with single city versus kaw .The same thing happened with the did pimd versus Kingdoms of heckfire versus kaw. With the intention to migrate players from pimd and kaw and get them to prefer playing heckfire and quit their former ata game . It happened as well . So I think it's going to be soon the nail in the coffin for kaw.
  7. Devs learn nothing from past mistakes and ignore feedback, now they flash a brand new game and we should be opening our wallets like the other times they tried the same thing? Yeah I used to chuckle at the "game is dying" talk but not now after years of the same garbage... Not long until the forced migration into creepy RP land!
  8. It was something more intersting to look forward to, and if you're too much of a spending tool to care about the gameplay then just shut up. EE has had the same problems forever but they put in bare minimum and fix some stuff. Canceling ASW is a loud and clear message that they do not care about the player feedback and only chase money. I know it's a business, I know people choose to play, I know you will sit there feeling superior in your cloud of ignorance... You are missing the part where this is not a sudden rage quit (lmao) it has been a problem for years that they finally admitted they won't fix. You keep waiting for that gifting tho, I hear it's coming soon.
    SoloKill and Artouris like this.
  9. I understand the ASW makes you devs have to work. But this is a war game. And you took away the war everyone that does wars and people who only the seasonal wars wait for?
    Better yet is how secure should we feel about this game if you can't fix a problem in your war system? Because I remember these wars on weekends and you changed them to weekdays so you could make sure wars went smoother. Never worked.
    So now it's easier to give up and let the war aspect of the game die off rather than work on it.....
  10. Are you questioning ATA's security? How foolish. Everyone knows that they have the best cyber security in the world, and they've never have a breach before.


  11. I felt like the last 2 years Kaw Team has wanted to kill this game and move on but hasnā€™t been able to do to revenue generator. So the best way is to keep making it worse until people just quit.
    Well done goal achieved - donā€™t close game because people can sue for time and money lost- just force them out.

    nice way to end it. šŸ¤™šŸ¼
  12. The war game without a community war for all to enjoy. We grow our kingdoms to participate for this event each year.
    Maybe concentrate on a game that works rather than releasing new titles like car racing.
    I do get people moan about the match ups but mainly these are sore losers.
    Why not run it but you cannot feedback on the faults. People should just enjoy the ride the faults make it fun and there are always tactical advantages in any war.
    Really gutted tbh I donā€™t war that much any more as the fun has gone because of all the moaners.
    Such a shame ATA you are killing off your best title and no matter how much more rewards you give to play your other games. It will not make people play them
  13. What you need to know...



  14. Dang RIP KaW
  15. #BringBackASW
  16. Still disappointed devs
  17. Same here, Devs are trash.
  18. How to get charms?
  19. šŸŽ¼ dubu dubu dup dup dup auho No more A:i S:love W:youā€™s the language is leaving KaW in silence šŸŽ¹