Ooh OP... You basically just shoved a sword up your own ass and asked him to push it in more, with that comment.
Hey, just because I happen to enjoy the finer arts requiring on-the-spot creativity, quick thinking, and artistic and writing abilities, doesn't mean I'm a dirty pervert looking for inappropriate roleplay.
Also, thanks to Bacon and Sighmin for the comments on my criticism of OP's obvious learning disability.
In fact, I am an honor roll student with plenty of artistic skill and wits. At least I can type properly.
That's really the end of it. Oh, and how are we supposed to know that they actually do it? This can't just be a witch hunt.
Ooh, so after OP posts about me being a virgin, he posts on my wall: "read forum now" Little attention-grabby, are we?
Mancini, got a problem with middle school virgins? I think that's rather disgusting to do at this age.