assembling a team to farm inappropriate roleplayers

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SHL_mike_SHL, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. This is stupid. Role players could care less about stats. Anyway, I was against it once but after I went into a warrior cat clan, I found that it was not that bad.
  2. Warry I understand about the rp. I was talking to OP, my apologies for not being clear.
  3. You would lose no point and achieve nothing?

    Sorry, I don't speak illiterate child. Please, do explain.
  4. Informer,
    OP is talking about "dirty" rp'ers
  5. I would not achieve anything from farming him I would lose farming him hes to good
  6. @OP
    Then watch your tongue and don't bite off more than you can chew.
  7. So you're saying that, despite the fact you made a thread for the exact purpose of farming inappropriate roleplayers, you will not farm this one? I am interested to understand your logic.
  8. He said hes not a dirty rper
  9. Rp is fine. Creepy 80 year olds doing sex rp with 5 year olds is not.
  10. Sorry inappropriate rper
  11. he's*

    You need to learn the basic skills of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, and such, OP. I do suggest you return to first grade.
  12. 1.its a game 2. I don't feel like taking the time to do it
  13. What does OP mean
  14. Original Poster/Post
  15. Well, just because it's a game doesn't mean it's not needed to apply the basic skills of written communication. Also, if you're too lazy to click a few extra buttons, get off the couch, wipe the crumbs of your chin - fifth one down - and get your fat ass up and running. Then come back and tell me just how hard it is to click those few buttons.
  16. Some people never learn.
  17. Hey I looked at ur clan and no wonder y ur talking about rp cause u do it
  18. Dave that was ******* funny,I couldn't have done better:3
