Assassin price range and pay

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Assassin112345 (01), Nov 28, 2009.

  1. Tmh you will have to discuss that with assassin at the time but generally it would be random to make the amount but if u had one u wanted to keep that should be fine
  2. Croluxian you would fall into tier 2
  3. Would I be tier 3??? :D
  4. 50 mil is bout wot i need
  5. Say i only had 10 mil worth of allies how wud i get paid the other 40 mil
  6. Stats as followed

    tier 1: 0-5k stats one mill

    Tier 2: 5-20k stats 50 mill

    Tier 3: 20-100k stats 75 mill

    Tier 4: 100k + stats 100 mill
  7. I'm always ready, so just post whenever. 
  8. woah  20-100k?? thats a really big gap...
  9. I think tier 2 needs to go higher, and tier 1 should cost a little more. The tiers need to balance out.
  10. Croluxian if u don't have the allies at the time u can get it at a later date when u do but just try to keep some range of allies I'm trying to keep at least 100 mill

    or u can choose a donor and have allies bought from the person of your choice if ur feeling in the festive giving mood lol
  11. Hmmm 4,000,000 comission, not bad.
  12. It maybe a big gap but it's a big price the majority of players are generally in that bracket so that's mainly where the custom will be
  13. Ok
    Dont give me any targets yet
    I have bought 10 mil worth of allies
  14. Bato: 9k atk and def
    Tier 2
  15. Can I have a lockdown of thunderlizard? I'm willing to way 12 days worth of locking. Only 100m 
  16. Exactly... ... That's proof you need to make tier 1 cost more, and maybe bring down other prices a little, or extend tier 1.
  17. A princely sum however we only work on a three hour basis as you well know rajang we do have the capacity and members to lock him down.
  18. Ill do any lock downs for tier 1 at the mo but im tryin to get allies so dont pile em on me
  19. it says thunderlizard reset